by Jonathan Figueroa
(Tampa FL.)
I know this sound unreal but me and one other person about 15 years ago each spotted a “Florida panther” in Marion Oaks, Florida in the western side of Marion County, Florida.
I know the difference between a panther and a bobcat. There are huge differences across the board as far as tail ,size and coloration among others.
I have seen enough bobcats growing up around Ocala National Forest to know what a bobcat looks like. This cat was about 5 or 6 feet long dark tawny color prob weighed about 120 pounds give or take.
I was picking up cans on the side of the road. I was 15 years old at the time and money was hard to come by. And there it was by the side of the road coming from some Oak Hammocks about 20 yards ahead of me it looked up and moved back into the woods.
I know you will not believe me and I am wasting my time but I saw what I saw!!!If it happened today I would have a picture. I also live in Tampa now so the chance of seeing one is zero. At the time of this story I lived on the outskirts of Ocala which was and parts are still very heavily wooded.
Jonathan Figueroa
Thanks for sharing.
I live in Marion Oaks and saw one last year.
From your post it seems like we saw this in about the same area. I sure do wish I had a a picture to show. She was beautiful and walked very slowly and gracefully across the road. I was very glad that the road was free of traffic in that spot! I was driving but I slowed way down has no one was behind me so I could witness her crossing.
Thanks Gloria. You say ‘black beauty’. If you did see a puma (and I believe you), you saw a melanistic one (black). They are rare. Your description of the tail is correct.
The one I saw was calmly walking across 19 north of 40 and north of the boat launch area at the river. I was driving, so, no photo. As it was almost to the other side of 19, here come her cub running to catch up with her. I really got a good look at this black beauty and her cub. She had a very long tail that hung down then curved up near the end. I reported the sighting, but no one believed me. I too, know what I saw.
I saw a black panther leap across the road in front of me on 19 on the west side of Lake George in the Ocala national forest.. about in between Silver Glenn and Salt Springs. This was in 2016. It was about dusk. Long tail.. probably weighed 75-100 lbs. Long strides across the road.