I say a lion beats a tiger in a fight

I say a lion beats a tiger in a fight

by Tigerlover111

Most articles are biased towards tigers. I prefer tigers to lions but looks and size are not going to win a fight for you. I love tigers but there is no question who would win when it comes to the ‘king of cats’.

The male lion is a more skilled fighter, it can jump higher. I have seen a clip on YouTube of a lion jumping up and grabbing the neck of a Giraffe bull (about 15 foot tall).

There has been no video proof of a tiger jumping more than 5 foot and tigers cannot climb as well as lions, this is a proven ‘fact’.

Most tigers are heavier and larger than male lions but the level of combat skill of the male lions is completely superior to the bengal/siberian tigers.

Therefore unfortunately a Male lion is still dominant.


Hi…. thanks for your thoughts. I think you are incorrect on the jumping skills of tiger. In my article I say that the best authority on wild cats, Mel & Fiona Sunquist describe the tiger as a better climber. As to video clips there is in fact a well known video clip of a tiger attacking an Indian on the back of a large elephant. The tiger simply launches himself onto the elephant:

I think this is more than 5 feet, isn’t it?:

My assessment (in the main article) is made on a complete comparison of all athletic attributes. Your assessment is made on one; that the lion is more skilled in combat but there is no scientific work that supports that and logically it is unlikely to be true because both are wild cats surviving in the wild under similar levels of difficulty.

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I say a lion beats a tiger in a fight

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Mar 27, 2010
Next time go for the other guy
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Too bad the poor mahout got hurt. The tiger should have aimed for the guy with the gun instead…

Finn Frode avatar

Mar 23, 2010
Lion V/s Tiger
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

Thanks to “P.O.C” bloggers and its Site developer Michael that we cat lovers have educated ourselves about our pets. This modern video of a tiger attacking a Mahout is definitely the rarest of rare authentic encounters of a tiger in the natural wild forests of India in the 21st century.The few tigers of some National parks in India are never aggressive as they are accustomed to “Tourist human visitors” and hence it is very rare for a “National Park tiger” to attack “human tourists”, besides tigers are very difficult to spot in the normal guided “Tourist tracks” of “National Parks”.

Tigers can definitely leap higher than a lion and history has numerous instances of tigers jumping onto an elephants back.

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