I Still Have My Claws by Furby
by Furby the Feral Feline
(Hodges, SC, USA)
Declawing makes me MAD!
Hi everybody! It's Furby. I've been really busy, but I want to talk to everybody about how I feel on declawing a cat. I kinda sorta don't want to write this because I'm afraid the feral cat in me will come out. Oh well, I have to take that chance.
I've been with Mama for almost a year now. November 3 will be my 1 year furever home day. And I still have my claws and always will. Mama promised me.
First of all I want to tell you why I need my claws. I over jump the clothes dryer a lot. And the washing machine. And...um....the stove. Let's not forget the chair pushed against the wall that I have to jump on the top of to get out of the corner. Thank goodness Mama or Sissy is usually there to rescue me. The floor behind the washer is NOT where a cat wants to be trapped! What they don't know is the number of times I've fell behind things and rescued myself-thanks to my claws. There are little hole thingies and grooves behind the washer and dryer and stove and I can hook my claws in them and get myself out of a jam. The chair is easier. Think of how bad it would be if I didn't have my claws and just had to sit there and wait on a rescue! I NEED my claws.
As far as the scratching up the furniture goes, I don't do that. I really don't. Me and my cat mama Lola play all of the time jumping on the furniture. Our favorite game is to go all around the room without getting on the floor. First one couch, then the other, then the dog chair. Oops, I said the "dog" word. Sorry. The thing is we don't put our claws out for this. My little yappy dog critter Darla has done more damage to the couch than we have. Sissy does our claws with that irritating spinning nail filer. I don't like it, but I get a treat for letting Sissy give me a clawicure.
Somebody on Facebook reported this video as abusive. Oops again. Guess I made a declawing vet mad or something. I love to show videos that make those rotten veterinarians mad. Here's the video.
I'd really like to know why people WANT to declaw their cats. They know before they take us home that we have claws. That shouldn't come as any surprise. Do they plan to declaw us all along or do they get talked into it. Is a declawed cat a status symbol like it was in the 1980's? We're in a new century people! If your want to use your cat as a status symbol then put a jeweled collar around our neck. By the way, cat buddies reading this, I can teach you how to get a collar off REALLY fast.
Do you think you're going to impress your friends when they come and visit and see your cat, who is obviously in pain, limping around and who (yipes) goes to the bathroom behind the couch while your friends watch. You're not impressing anyone!
How can you ladies pay to have your nails done and then pay to have half of our toes cut off?! Maybe not half. With the pain and the balance problems you're putting us through it might as well be half.
How can you do that to us? We love you!! Get that through your head. Don't YOU love US? So stop putting us in pain! This is SO avoidable. Get your cat a spinning nail file thingy or a scratching post. Nail a piece of carpet on a board if you can't afford anything fancy. The declawing has to stop or you're going to be sorry! Your cat's are going to stop loving you because you HURT them.
Trust me, we stay away from things that cause us pain.
Don't you realize we never recover from this. It leads to arthritis when we get old. Probably from all the balance problems declawing causes. Ladies, try walking around in 4 inch heels that scrunch your toes day and night for a week and you'll get a wee little taste of how painful it is for a declawed cat to walk.
Don't you know that once my claws are gone I'm stuck in the house with you for the rest of my life. It's not safe for me to go outdoors. I don't like being stuck inside with someone who HURT me!
You'll change my sweet personality too it you declaw me. I'll learn to bite because the claws were how I defended myself and you took them away from me. We LOVE to swipe at each other with our paws.
If I bite you, will you take me to the animal shelter and throw me away? I didn't ask for any of this. All I wanted was to be held and loved and just be a cat.
That means having my claws. If you don't like to hear a dog bark, don't get a dog. If you don't want a cat to have claws, don't get a cat. VERY simple people!! It's not rocket science!!
Oops, sorry!! I'm getting a little on the feral side, but people who declaw cats just plain make me mad. Especially when they can read about it online so a sneaky good-for-nothing, pretending to help cats, money-hungry veterinarian won't talk you into DEFORMING your kitty for LIFE!!
I'm gonna go now before I start using words I'm not supposed to even know.
Thank you Mama, for letting me keep my claws. I know other cats aren't as lucky as I am. I love you Mama and Sissy for taking care of my paws with a pawicure.
Please take a minute to go to Facebook and join my group at Declawing Veterinarians Should Be Blacklisted.