I will call him Spook
by Susan
(st.louis,mo united states)
About a year ago i saw this beautiful cat with blue eyes, at my door steps. So i fed him he kept coming back meowing at the door boy that cat could eat. My 2 cat’s looked on with amazement. he came sometimes twice a day so now i was leaving food and water out side. In the winter the coldest day of the year he came to my door , while he was eating I tried to get him in my cat carrier to bring him in the laundry room for the nite he was so cold .. well that didnt work.
the next time i saw him he’s ears were all messed up like frost bite or a fight or something it broke my heart.. about a month ago the neighbors next door said the cat was dead next to my fence and they buried it… i really think someone killed him i cryed like a baby and told my cats they are spoiled rotton…