I will call him Spook

I will call him Spook

by Susan
(st.louis,mo united states)

About a year ago i saw this beautiful cat with blue eyes, at my door steps. So i fed him he kept coming back meowing at the door boy that cat could eat. My 2 cat’s looked on with amazement. he came sometimes twice a day so now i was leaving food and water out side. In the winter the coldest day of the year he came to my door , while he was eating I tried to get him in my cat carrier to bring him in the laundry room for the nite he was so cold .. well that didnt work.

the next time i saw him he’s ears were all messed up like frost bite or a fight or something it broke my heart.. about a month ago the neighbors next door said the cat was dead next to my fence and they buried it… i really think someone killed him i cryed like a baby and told my cats they are spoiled rotton…


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I will call him Spook

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May 28, 2009 I find this sad
by: Michael

Thanks for the story. I find this a very sad story. This kind of life, the life of a feral cat, is enacted out by countless millions worldwide. It is a great pool of almost invisible suffering that we are unaware of until people like you write about it and remind us what we (humankind) have done in creating the feral cat.

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