Anybody and everybody should do their utmost to identify the trophy hunter who shot a sleeping lion. He shot the lion three times in order to kill it. At his side he had a guide who advised him how to kill the lion. It would be wonderful if we can find and identify this man and make his life miserable. Don’t do anything illegal but let’s try and identify him. He needs to be named and shamed.
UPDATE 21ST MARCH: He is Guy Gorney, 64, of Manhattan, Illinois. He has killed at least 70 big game animals. Here he is:
![Guy Gorney, 64, of Manhattan, Illinois](
![Killing a sleeping lion](
![Identify this sport hunter](
![Identify this sport hunter](
When the first shot rang out the lion was hit and it arched its back in pain. The lion attempts to get up and looks towards the trophy hunter. who shoots twice more killing the animal. The lion lies lifeless on the ground.
The guide tells the hunter to stop firing:
“Okay, okay, don’t do any more”.
The guide reaches out to shake the hunter’s hand and pat him on the back. The guide offers a clue to the trophy hunter’s identity by calling him what sounds like ‘Mr Gooney’.
The guide and the hunter then approach the lion. The guide prods the lion with his rifele to make sure that he is dead. While laughing he then says:
“Well done, sir, a very nice lion, beautiful. That is an exceptional lion.”
The sport hunter has a light, well-trimmed grey beard. He is quite lightly built. I’d say he is in his 50s. The shooting has been extensively shared on social media. It has elicited vitriolic comments and demands that the sport hunter be identified.
![Sleeping lion before being shot](
It is not clear where the hunting took place but it is believe to be somewhere in southern Africa. The video raises questions about the integrity of sport hunting. The sport hunting industry claim that they benefit conservation. The video was originally shared on Twitter by a UK animal welfare group. The above video is an embedded video from a Twitter feed. The photos are screenshots of poor quality because the Twitter video is of poor quality.
The quality must have been better but Twitter tends to reduce quality to make them load faster and occupy less hard drive space.
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Indeed Michael,indeed.
Thanks Irish. I am pleased we IDed him. I hope he gets all the criticism that he deserves.
The feckless sod’s name is Guy Gorney,he is a 64 year old trophy hunter….
What a fucking piece of shit!! I curse this fuck to die in a most horrific and painful manner possible and his fucking guide to!! I will gladly share this!! This fucker deserves nothing but death! no fine, no rehab, and god damn jail. Death only!!
What a fucking piece of shit!! I curse this fuck to die in a most horrific and painful manner possible and his fucking guide to!!