Idiotic and Out of Touch!! – Indoors or Out

Idiotic and Out of Touch!! – Indoors or Out

by CM

I was horrified and disgusted by the ignorant attitude masquerading as expert opinion.

I have always kept my cats indoors and they have lived not only long but very happy lives – I wonder whether the author of this rubbish has noticed the food for sale for indoor cats, the unlimited types of litter and trays for sale. British people do keep their cats in and are concerned about there welfare in droves.

I worked in pet rescue and let me say that there are a great many sick individuals out there who can and sadly do deliberately injure and kill cats.

I also ask what about the breeds that can only be kept indoors? should we just throw them out for the sake of an antiquated idea that they have to roam??

The domestic cat is a PET – and this idiot would have us turn it into a feral and unloved animal and god knows there are enough of those poor creatures.

I am sickened by the high handed attitude of someone who clearly doesn’t like cats.

Not all cats that are kept in are unhappy and bored and it is cretinous to suggest it!! to say I am furious to read such out of touch rubbish is putting it mildly.

CM – Kent

Answer: I think that you have completely missed the point of the article. Perhaps you read the article too quickly. My recommendation is that cats should be let out if it is safe to do so. That can be achieved with a cat enclosure, for example.

I also discuss the difference in cultures between different countries. I am thinking philosophically if you like and going well beyond simply deciding whether we should keep cats in let them out. You missed this completely.

You are being rude in saying that I am an idiot. If it was true the entire site would be bad and it is not as it get thousands upon thousands of visitors monthly.

I do not recommend letting cats roam freely. Anyone seeing this should read the article Cats Indoors or Out and decide for yourselves if this contributor has not understood the article. And yes I know the domestic cat is a pet but it is an animal too, with preferences and we owe it to our cats to provide the best environment possible. It seems that you think that we own cats and that our cat should do as we please. I see things from the cats point of view.

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Idiotic and Out of Touch!! – Indoors or Out

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Jul 16, 2009 Different Opinions.
by: FreeFlyFreak

No need for name calling.

Different cultures different opinions.

I was born and lived in the UK for 26 years, I have lived in the US for the last 17 years.
The original article author has it spot on.
There are vastly different cultural differences of opinions of what is the right thing for the cat.

I say, ask the cat.

Almost every cat will go and explore the outside world if you allow it.

My opinion is let the cat decide.
It knows what it likes.
Do you think you know better than your Cat??
I dont!

Dec 18, 2008 The person who wrote this is an idiot
by: Anonymous

The person who made this submission is the idiot not the author of the original article.

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