Igloo Cat House

Igloo Cat House

cat igloo house

An igloo cat house is a very effective den for a cat living outside or inside and outside. Dorothy Wandruff a valued visitor to PoC bought one for a feral cat, Yellow Cat, she looks after.

I have visited A1 Savannahs three times and they have a truly outstanding facility that includes cat igloo homes. Not all the cats have them but a high percentage do. If A1 Savannahs use them they have to be good. The one in the picture above is not your typical example, I suspect, as it is designed to be used by a serval, a wildcat the size of a largish dog.

The modern cat igloo home comes insulated and carpeted with a “porch” to deflect the rain from entering the igloo.

For people who care for feral cat colonies these may be of use but that may cause problems with neighbours or other people living nearby as many people are hostile towards feral cats. However if there are no neighbours…voila, problem solved.

I would have thought that this product is ideal for the kind of situation that Dorothy, who I mention above, found herself in  – a person wishing to help and ensure the cat is protected in cold winters (see also Care For Feral Cats In Cold Temperatures).

This one is a dog home that can fit four cats! I think this is better value and the entrance provides more protection from wind and rain. This is for the North American market.

This is the classic of the peg igloo cat house, inculated and carpeted etc. North American market.

In the UK the product is more like a nissen hut than an igloo bit it is still called an igloo. A nissen hut is a corrugated iron hut (“a prefabricated steel structure”) used during the war and the era around the 1930s and beyond but invented in 1916 by Mr Nissen.

nissen hut

igloo cat house uk model

Here it is for sale on Amazon.co.uk.

This one has a cat flap – a front door in human language.

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1 thought on “Igloo Cat House”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I would really like to purchase the UK version of the igloo cat house, but I live in the US. Is there a way for me to order the igloo or a place in the US that would sell them? Thank you for your time.

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