I’m Sick! by Furby
by Furby
(Hodges, SC, USA)
Furby taking it easy
Hi everybody! It's Furby! I'm sick and I don't like it one little bit. I had all of my vaccinations so these must be some mean little germ critters to have the nerve to attack me!
It all started Saturday night. Mama has been working a lot so Sissy was cat sitting me and noticed I wasn't breathing well. So she hooked up the humidifier and let the machine spit cold mist at me. It took me a few minutes to make up my mind on whether I was supposed to spit back at it. It helped a little, but not much. Sissy was really worried.
Mama got home from work Sunday morning and she was worried about me too. I was sneezing some by then and had a lot of nose drippies. And mama noticed I was having more trouble getting my breath.
Let me tell you what she did! She stuck me in my cat house and covered it with a blanket and put a tube through the house door. Then she turned on a machine (nebulizer) that blew medicine called Albuterol1 at me. It helped a little but not much luck with this either.
Mama went to bed without me Sunday night and I got scared. So I followed her and jumped up on her bed. She held out her arms to me and I let her hold me and I fell asleep on her Hoodie robe blanket. It's gonna be my favorite new sleeping blanket. I just haven't told mama yet.
I was still sleeping good this morning when mama turned on her bedside lamp and about BLINDED me. Geez, what a way to have to wake up when you're sick! Mama saw that I was still sick and got on the phone and called the vet.
She picked me up, blanket and all, and put me in my cat house and off we went. The car was nice and warm and I only meowed one time. I like to ride so I went back to sleep in my house until we got there.
There was snow on the ground so it's been a day to remember. I always wanted to see snow! I saw snow everybody!
I've been dreading the day I'd have to meet my vet. He's Dr. Edwards at Kinard Animal Hospital in Greenwood. He's really a very nice doctor. Even if he did VIOLATE me! I won't tell you what he did to check me for a fever. Cats should NOT have to go through that without some kind of advance warning. Preferably in time to find a hiding place. I had a fever and would have told him so if he'd asked. But I was a good little kitty and let him do what he needed to do.
He said I have upper respiratory disease and he left the room to fix me some medicine to take home with me. Then he came back in the room to talk to mama. I had to hiss at him then. I really did have to hiss. He was talking to mama and he stuck me with a needle and it scared me! It turns out I was sick enough to need a shot. Remember that word, cats. SHOT. Shots are NOT fun.
Mama says she's going to start me on l-lysine when I get a little bit better. It helps keep the virus germ critters from starting up with me again. I'll take anything as long as it's crushed and put in canned food for me to eat. I'm too dignified to have a pill rammed down my throat. Do you all know how scary that is for a cat?
So that's the story of my first sick visit to the vet. Mama likes to treat me with herbal medicine when she can. She uses cider vinegar and honey a lot. She knows when I have to see a doctor for strong medicine.
This was my third vet visit. The first was to the same place I went today and you can read my story here. I saw the same two nice ladies who took care of me when I was a baby. My second vet story was about when I was neutered. The people at my cat doctor aren't boring because I didn't go to sleep like I did at the place where I was neutered.
I love my vet Dr. Edwards and the two nice ladies at the desk. They made me feel better. And I love mama for staying up at night with me when I'm sick and I love Sissy for taking such good care of me.
What can I say? I love everybody!
1. this drug relaxes the muscles of the airways and thereby increases air flow to the lungs.