I’m trying to find my mom a teacup cat for Christmas

I’m trying to find my mom a teacup cat for Christmas

by Kelley Starks
(Mesa, Arizona, USA.)

Hi…I’m trying to find my mom a teacup cat. Her cat and dog died this past summer, and would like to find a cat of similar size to her previous one. She has been very depressed about the animal being gone and I would like to suprise her for Christmas with a kitty. Please send me information about how I can go about getting one.



Hi Kelley…. I am sorry to hear about your mother. True teacup cats are rare and expensive and only available in the USA or at least almost exclusively available in the USA.

There are not that many genuine breeders (some breeders just sell small cats for inflated prices that grow up to near normal sizes once bought). I would phone the one I refer to on the page about teacup cats and take it from there. {http://www.pocketkittys.com/}. They have cats available for Christmas (today’s date is Nov. 14th 2010).

A Google search may help too. These breeders usually ship but not all do that. I know the prices are high. Pocket Kitties’ charges range from $1000 – $2000.

You may find a small and cute cat at a shelter. OK, it is unlikely to be a very small cat but it will be a much more needy cat and a much more contented cat to have found a nice home particularly at Christmas. Just a thought.


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I’m trying to find my mom a teacup cat for Christmas to Teacup cats

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