
by Elisa Black-Taylor

Are Imikimi's Weird or Fun? Furby and Mia

Are Imikimi's Weird or Fun? Furby and Mia

Are Imikimi's Weird or Fun? Furby and Mia Mia's wedding portrait At the castle Mia wearing a boa

Imikimi is a website where people can have fun being creative. And this is going to be a really fun story. I've been using this website for a couple of years now. Their web address is morning readers..

My neighbor introduced me to Imikimi because of all the templates for memorials. This is also a great site to have some fun with a lot of different images. My avatar photograph is an Imikimi.

That means I stuck my head on a pre-formed body. Kind of like what people who are smart enough to use Photoshop can do. I'm not one of those people smart enough to do Photoshop.

Before I submitted my avatar of me laying on the couch with a cat (see below) I entertained a few other ideas. You don't even want to know. I put my head on the body of a belly dancer. Yes, Imikimi has bodies for every occasion. With the click of the mouse, I can have the perfect figure. (Michael had a hard time talking me out of the belly dancer avatar because I looked GREAT!)

Elisa Black-Taylor
Elisa Black-Taylor

It was about this time I started seeing cat Imikimi's on another website. So I know I'm not alone at doing these. Cat ladies were sticking their cat's heads on bodies ranging from grooms to cooks to babies.

Now for the big question? Am I weird? Is the whole idea of portraying your cat as a human with a cats head strange. My daughter and I have picked at each other for over a year concerning this subject. At that time I explained I was using child or baby templates for Furby. I told her it would be strange for me to use grown men when Furby was really still a baby kitten. Since Furby is 1 1/2 now I've graduated to the templates of adult men. So I'm now doing what I previously thought would be strange.

I'm not saying it's natural. Far from it. I just have a ball doing them and I know there are at least a few hundred Imikimi freaks like me who enjoy playing around with the templates. It would be a great activity for grandparent to teach the grandkids to do. Little girls could make princesses and little boys could make themselves into cowboys. It's the perfect babysitter for the grammar school age child.

I'm submitting several samples for your comments. These are the ones I created for Furby and Mia's honeymoon. My favorite is the one with Mia dragging him by the tie....

cats as people

Furby explains it had something to do with catnip brandy. I realize a few of you are probably going to verbally batter me, or at least roll your eyes in disbelief. I don't care. I'm not dressing up the actual cat (one friend asked me how I convinced Mia to wear the veil) so I don't see anything wrong with my hobby. I even have an Imikimi section in my photo album.

My question is whether I'm the only crazy cat lady on to do these? And what is your opinion? Keep in mind this is only done in fun so please don't beat me up over this. I'm 50 years old and I play with what I want to play with and I LOVE these. The opinion of others won't stop me. LOL.

For those of you who want a beautiful memorial of someone who has passed away, I highly recommend the site.

All of the Furby Imikimis can be found here.

Have a good day everyone.


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Mar 19, 2011
by: Elisa

I'm about to start work on an ebook and I think the title "Adventures of a Reluctant Cat Lady" will be the title. The site I'm going to put it on will let the buyer download it for $6.50. Shane Briant told me about the site. His new book The Dreamhealer is on it.

Mar 19, 2011
by: Lori Haynes

I don't think you are crazy to like making cute avatars in the least, it is hilarious actually. "No animals were harmed in the making of these avatars..." lol.

Mar 19, 2011
Imagination is wonderful
by: Ruth (Monty's Mom)

I personally love the pictures of Furby and Mia. I've really gotten into the Furby stories from his point of view. People don't use their imaginations enough today. Children especially are stunted in that area. They have too much given to them on t.v. and the internet, I think. They don't know how to create their own stories, because too many stories are shown to them, with nothing left for the imagination. The site you used seems to be a fun way to be creative, so I'm all for it, because creativity is sorely lacking in our world. Oddly enough, the poor kids I worked with in the inner city were VERY creative and imaginative. When I taught in the suburbs it was like a desert for creativity. I think it's because the poor kids didn't have cable t.v. or the internet or probably even many toys. That ability to be creative will give them the edge one day, I believe, even over their suburban peers who had every advantage.

Some people do make the mistake of treating their pets as human beings, and I'm sure this will come up in comments. However, Elisa, you would never forget that cats are cats, dogs are dogs, and humans are humans. Your writing reflects that in your reminders of ways to make our cats safer and healthier. So I don't see how it can do any harm at all to tell some good stories.

Go Furby! Furby is cool!

Mar 19, 2011
by: Michael

It's not actually weird although the Furby in Scotland image looks it!

I think imikimi satisfies people's desire to be creative without having to spend a long time learning how to use software.

A lot of the modern forms of creativity are expressed using computers so imikimi has allowed people to get right down to being creative.

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