In Memory of Cassy

By Kylee

This is in memory of my girl Cassy who passed away on 17/1/2014. She had problems breathing and had neurology problems. The vet said she would only last a few more days.

So I made the, ever such hard, decision to let her go. She was a sensitive type cat, timid loved lots of cuddles and was a special girl. I had her for 10 years which I guess is 54 in human years. She helped me a lot when I was depressed and made a huge difference in my life. I wasn’t hoping she would go so soon.

She’s been buried out at my mum’s with an angel protecting her. I got some flowers for her memory. It’s so sad to see her go and I miss her terribly. I’ve put a few pics of her and hope in rainbow heaven she’s been looked after. I’m left with four of her brothers so I know I need to hang in there for her.

Thanks, Kylee

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22 thoughts on “In Memory of Cassy”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Kylee, Condolences on the loss of your cat Cassy.Any pet owner will understand the loss of a non-human companion and 10 years is a long and fruitful companionship.Your photographs tell the story of your loss.Whenever i lose someone in life, either due to death or estrangement i always console myself with these words, quote, “It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”. Be thankful for all the good and bad times with your cat Cassy.

  3. It is my pleasure to have her memorial on PoC. I wish you the best for the future. Stick around if you have time and want to and join the conversations. We like to have you as part of the community.

  4. yea she was a very well loved cat, my partner is struggling abit of the loss as she was very close to him. They used to have alot of what he calls snuggle cuddles. She would allow him to basically lay on her and she loved it. Its just simple things that you miss. I am Happy she had the buriel she deserved the vets were very great and understanding.

  5. Oh so very sad for you Kylee your poor little cat was taken at only 10, she was gorgeous and obviously very well loved, you must take some consolation from that and from the fact that when it came to making such a hard decision you did what was kindest for Cassy even though it has obviously broken your heart, yes you have to go on for the other cats in your family and because Cassy loved you and wouldn’t want you to be so depressed, cats care when we are upset so let your other cats be close to you and comfort you, you never get over a loss but you do find a way to live with it. The photos are so poignant, and brave, and they show us that Cassy is at peace and was loved and taken care of even after her life had ended. RIP Cassy. x

  6. hi there thanks michael that certainly helps was just so sudden. It helps to know she was well loved and had a good life. I was happy she never had accidants or wasnt hurt in anyway. thank you for doing this.

  7. Hi Kylee. So sad to hear of your loss. Your photos are very poignant. Very sad. Thank you for sharing and may Cassy rest in peace in a better place.

    Good luck for the future and I hope this page helps a bit and lets us remember her.

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