In Memory of Cassy

By Kylee

This is in memory of my girl Cassy who passed away on 17/1/2014. She had problems breathing and had neurology problems. The vet said she would only last a few more days.

So I made the, ever such hard, decision to let her go. She was a sensitive type cat, timid loved lots of cuddles and was a special girl. I had her for 10 years which I guess is 54 in human years. She helped me a lot when I was depressed and made a huge difference in my life. I wasn’t hoping she would go so soon.

She’s been buried out at my mum’s with an angel protecting her. I got some flowers for her memory. It’s so sad to see her go and I miss her terribly. I’ve put a few pics of her and hope in rainbow heaven she’s been looked after. I’m left with four of her brothers so I know I need to hang in there for her.

Thanks, Kylee

cassy1 cassy2 cassy3 cassy4

22 thoughts on “In Memory of Cassy”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I’m so sorry for your loss, Kylee. I think everyone here understands your pain and grief.
    Cassy was beautiful. I love her brown tones.
    Please keep us updated on how you and your partner are doing as well as the boys you have.
    R.I.P. Cassy.

  3. thank you my other cats were different kitties that i rescued they were going to be put down or shot and i couldnt handle that happening. i know Cass prob wasnt happy me doing that buti know she was always a special cat. Ive got two a4 pics in my lounge of cassy and tammy so it feels like thy still there. thanks for your support it means alot.

  4. Kylee, I see you live in New Zealand. Am I correct? If so, it’s great. I love to “meet” people from far away places. PoC is an international website.

  5. Kylee thanks for sharing I know it’s hard but it does help alot. I also buried my cat Red when he died – I also have a couple photos of him before I buried him. I’m so sorry – it’s so hard to go through such a loss. For those of us who know and love our cats it’s a huge loss.

    Like you I have Red’s younger sister and another familly relation cat – his aunt technically speaking. I see so much of him in his sister which is wonderful and a great relief as I feel I still have him in that little way, through her. You need ot be strong for the remaining brothers. Sounds like you took in a whole litter of kittens. That’s wonderful. It’s nice to have just one family.

    I couldn’t eat and felt and awful knot in my tunny for a month or two after my Red died – it was the hardest thing I went through in my life and the only being close to me other than my father who I have lost in my life.

    Cassy is/was a beautiful tabby cat – she will always be with you. I hope your husband will be ok too. Remember that the other cats feel grief too. You might find them a little unmotivated or just acting a bit off since they will likely feel the same emptiness – obviously depending how well they got on and how connected they were to Cassy. My cat Lilly just loved Red and she was clearly very lost for a couple months too when Red passed. We were both really in it together. I believe cats feel it just the same as humans after that. Both Lilly and I lay on the couch very sad together for a long time.

    I still think of Red everyday. I kept the carpet he use to lie on with all his fur stuck to it and I made a little shrine at home for him withhis favourite toys and I visit his grave which I made myself in a nice quiet place with nature around which he loved so much.

    Cassy is in a better place – shame she had to go so soon – it’s hard for everyone left behind but I suppose she is fine now wherever she is.

    My first reaction when Red passed was feeling trapped because I was holding him and I just couldn’t register that he was dead and that he couldn’t hear me anymore. How I wish he could hear me at least. I secretly wish and think that maybe he can hear me. That would be nice – if I could still talk to him – if he could at least hear me, and maybe see me. He was wnderful. It’s very hard.

    Thank you anyway for sharing. I will save pics of Cassy to my computer – and think nice thoughts about her. Sorry for your loss – may she rest in peace.

  6. Kylee I’m so sad for you, I’m in tears. No matter how many more cats you have, each one is special and leaves a huge gap in your home.
    Your photos are beautiful.
    Cassy looks very like our Bryan who had to be PTS at 10 years old too, such a short life.
    Thinking about you x
    R.I.P Cassy

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