Indoor Cat Door

Indoor Cat Door

by Michael
(London, UK)

I am trying to think when a person might buy an indoor cat door. I would bet that there are very few, if any, in the UK. Whereas a lot of people have cat flaps (indoor to outdoor cat door).

To be honest I had not considered one until I noticed that people do search for them.

It appears that the indoor cat door need not be the same sort of device as an indoor/outdoor cat door. This is because one use is to prevent a dog entering an area of the house that has been designated a cat only area.

If your dog is substantially larger than your cat, the indoor cat door need only be an opening (without flap) that is too small for a dog to pass through. This has been referred to as a “cat hole”. Poor description!

This might be in a wall or door and the area to which it provides access might be a utility area where there is cat food and litter.

A cat door under these circumstances would prevent the dog eating cat litter or eating the cat’s food. Yes, dogs can sometimes like to eat cat litter disgusting though that sounds.

Another way to use an indoor cat door is to allow access to say a garage where there is cat litter. The garage will be unheated and the cat door will allow access while preventing cold air from the garage entering the house.

Another use would be for access to a cat enclosure that is outside. The cat enclosure might be part of a conservatory so it would be an indoor cat door.

Prevention is the best medicine for your pet's health.They come in two types, fully open but small for a cat to pass through and a conventional cat flap or cat door.

Petsmart sell the cat flap type indoor cat door (USA).

Pet Door, another US retailer sells the open small door type.

You can buy, what appears to be the same one through the Drs Foster and Smith website (USA only again).

The home that is very much tailored to the cat companion is more likely to have the indoor cat door. You can see one in this house: Cat House Designs.

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Indoor Cat Door

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Mar 31, 2011 Another type cat door
by: Bob Tucker

Here is another way to fix a cat door that may help someone. I had the cat door problem but didn’t want to cut a hole in a good expensive door.

I removed a heater vent in the floor in a part of the house where I could do without it. It opened to the basement where I built a ramp from the vent to the floor then put the cat entrance from outside to the basement. The cats enter the basement, go up the ramp then through the flap and vent opening to the house. You can add a box right under the vent opening and put a flap there if needed. The cats love to chase each other up and down the ramp and through the openings.

Be aware that you may have other critters besides cats come in for dinner.

Mar 29, 2011 We have one!
by: Leah (England)

We have a hole in the door from the lounge to the conservatory! It may sound odd but it used to be a proper cat flap. We had it put in because we kept the litter and food in the conservatory as there was no where else to keep it. Also during the day we need to keep that door locked.

When we had a dog he ripped the frame and flap bit out of it so he could stick his head through! Vandal! lol.

Anyways we still have it and our cats still use it.

My uncle had quite a few downstairs when he had his cat Harvey. He was quite handy so he made them himself (my uncle that is not Harvey!) He had them because there was 3 doors before Harvey could get to his outside cat flap and he got tired of opening and closing them all the time!

Mar 29, 2011 Indoor cat door
by: Maggie

These are really good ideas! I should consider one for Chilli, my dog is always eating his litter. It’s disgusting but she’s quick and very sneaky!

Thanks for sharing, Michael.

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