Indy Feral Video

Indy Feral Video

by Michael

Indy Feral is a long standing organization (10 years at 2012) that manages feral cats in Central Indiana. By managing I mean organizing mass trap neuter and return programs and generally caring for feral cats so that they don’t make a nuisance and are as comfortable as possible.

About 3,000 cats are neutered every year; a fantastic accomplishment.

This video says it all:

Personally I am very impressed by this lady and I enjoyed the video.

For people living outside the USA, it gives a nice clear insight into the life of feral cats in the USA and how best to manage them.

Most people just ignore feral cats. Some shoot them and some kill them by other means. The biggest killers are the pounds and shelters as they are unadoptable.

As mass killing of cats is essentially immoral, albeit necessary (we are told), the only decent thing to do is what Indy Feral does so well: TNR on a large scale.

A lot of people say that TNR does not work. Yet they do nothing other than moan about feral cats or perhaps shoot them.

TNR is the best feral cat management process. Logically it has to be the only way forward, as a reactionary measure, as it stops breeding.

The next step is to tackle careless cat caretaking, the source of the problem. This would be a proactive measure.

Indy Feral Website


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Indy Feral Video

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Jan 30, 2012
TNR is good ! NEW
by: Ruth

I loved seeing that video and the kind people caring about those feral cats.

They don’t ask for much, just food and shelter and they deserve that as they are there because of ignorant uncaring people who threw un-neutered cats out to fend for themselves.

TNR is such a good way to control colonies and I very much admire the people who do this, having done it myself for our Cats Protection but on a much smaller scale, I know it’s not an easy task.

It does work, we don’t have a fraction of the problems the USA has with feral cats, even taking into consideration of the difference in size of our country to theirs.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 30, 2012
Indy Feral NEW
by: Dorothy

I’m so happy to know about this group. There are many more groups like this around the country that we don’t hear about. Thanks for bringing Indy Feral to our attention Michael. If they are helping over 3000 cats a year through TNR, the colonies should decrease over time and that is a good thing.


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