Infographic explains what a cat signals with their eyes

This is a fairly simplified infographic and a quick 60 second read to highlight an aspect of feline behaviour which might help a caregiver to better read their cat’s mood. There are other issues which I’ve not mentioned in the infographic namely that when a cat is blind their iris does not respond to light and the pupil remains enlarged but this is a medical issue and rare.

What does a cat signal with its eyes? by Michael Broad

RELATED: Cat Health Tip: Widely Dilated Pupils

The lesson to be learned for some caregivers is that a cat’s eyes do signal mood but these body language signals are often masked by the environment such as bright and dull conditions. Also, the closer an object is the more a cat has to constrict their pupils and for distant objects they can be expanded. This, I believe, is due to a cat’s poor near sight vision. ‘Stopping down’ the pupil (using a photographic term) sharpens up vision.

I hope you find it useful.

RELATED: Cat facial expressions: pain and discomfort

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