Infographic on high blood pressure (hypertension) in domestic cats

Infographics are the best way to present information in a summarized form as an introduction to a topic. Further reading is needed. But in today’s rushed world, people like to get a quick feel for a topic which can lead to further research if needed. I wanted to do this infographic because I have seen quite a few pictures of domestic cats with permanently dilated pupils and their owners enquiring as to why? Well, one reason in elderly cats is retinal detachment and eye function abnormalities due to high blood pressure.

Infographic on high blood pressure (hypertension) in domestic cats
Infographic on high blood pressure (hypertension) in domestic cats. Prepared by MikeB and free to use under a Creative Commons: ATTRIBUTION-NODERIVS CC BY-ND license

The astonishing levels of kidney disease in older domestic cats always shocks me. Humans accept it as normal. But is it normal? We don’t get this among the human population. Is there a systemic failure in cat caregiving causing this? It is vital because as mentioned in the infographic hypertension is often secondary to chronic kidney disease (CKD). And the conditions appear to be circular by which I mean one causes the other.

It seems that the scientists and vets have accepted that older domestic cats will often develop CKD as a part of ageing. But is it? Does it have to happen? Is CKD linked to diet?

  • Study: Prevalence and classification of chronic kidney disease in cats randomly selected from four age groups and in cats recruited for degenerative joint disease studies, was used for the 70% figure in the infographic (first para).
  • Dr Bruce Fogle’s book Complete Cat Care was another source
  • PETMD and VCA Hospitals also used.
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