Infographic on PREVENTING limescale build-up in your kettle with NO assistance and no tricks

The infographic explains how to PREVENT the build-up of limescale in a kettle in normal use in a hard water area without resorting to any assistance such as water softening, descalers etc.. This is a preventative measure. I have stressed the word because Google seems unable to differentiate between prevention and reaction. I agree, this has nothing to do with cats except in at least one oblique way which I touch on below the infographic. Pretty obvious, but sometimes I have a good idea which I want to air on this website. And I think it is a good idea if you are a bit OCD and like to do things which prevents things going wrong. It is about controlling your environment as best you can to make life easier.

The world can be a bit chaotic; out of our control which is odd as humankind should be able to control the world in a beneficial way. Sadly, not always true. Have you ever thought why everything deteriorates in the long-term? It’s called entropy. A very interesting concept which you can read about by clicking on this link.

PREVENTING limescale in kettle
PREVENTING limescale in kettle. Infographic by MikeB. Thoughts by MikeB. Practiced by MikeB 😊😎✔️. CLICK FOR A LARGER IMAGE.

You buy desiccated wet cat food which requires the addition of warm water to make it up! There, the anti-limescale technique can be employed. Yep, dehydrated or desiccated wet cat food does exist but it is pretty rare in the UK. It is useful because you can control the amount of wet food you give your cat. You can also make it into a paste or a soup to try and meet your cat’s preferences.

There are other times when you’ll need to boil water such as cleaning the cat litter tray and making a cuppa before you clean the cat litter tray in order to steel yourself for the work ahead. 😃

Below are some articles on cat caregiving:

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