Inky Dink

by Judith Hartman
(North Miami, FL usa)

I think there is a Tiffany who wants to to adopt us. Very beautiful. We are giving it food and slowly talk to it and really likes that we put out some kitty food.

It is so gorgeous and very, very fluffy. We can’t even tell if its a boy or girl. I was curious about the red fur on its side and see in your picture that yours has it too.

I just lost a very special cat that we had for 17 or 18 years. I know no other kitty can be as special as he was. He was vocal and talked in the way we would talk to him with all the inflections.

I think this new one must have been someone’s pet but my husband said he has been in the neighborhood for years. I don’t know about letting it so close to me because I am still mourning my other cat. We don’t have much money and the vets here are very expensive but he or she should have a bath and be checked for fleas and other pests.

I do know that I am falling in love with this one. Any suggestions as to how can we make sure its healthy without a vet and groomer? The vet I was dealing with for several years is quite expensive and charges us $300 per office visits.

Because my husband and I are on disability there isn’t much left for these kind of charges. We do want what’s best for Inky Dink (that’s what my husband named it).


Hi Judith.. thanks for sharing. I love your husband’s name for this cat. I should have a name competition sometime.

I react like you to stray cats, I feel a great sense of empathy and a need to help. I am not the only one. There are many like us and many of them visit this site.

Also like you I have this problem with vets! Well not like you, but I almost fear their charges.

That said our cats need a vet sometimes and we can’t avoid that. But it just may be that Inky Dink is fit and well. With a clean up (maybe a bath), some flea treatment and some good food Inky Dink might be fine without a vet visit. Flea treatments can include a combing with a flea comb that will tell you how bad it is and a Frontline drop.

Here’s the deal. If you adopt Inky Dink, I promise to pay the first vet bill to a max of $300 if a vet is needed. Note: this site raises funds for cat charities through the advertising on the pages.

You will need a Paypal account though as it is quite hard to send funds abroad by cheque as I think the USA banks charge exorbitant amounts to cash foreign cheques.

One last point. One of our regular visitors, Joyce Sammons a US citizen who knows how to save on vet’s bills might have some tips. I will ask her to comment on this page.

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Inky Dink to Tiffany cat

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Inky Dink

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Nov 18, 2010
Inky revisited
by: Judith Hartman

She is now my baby although shes at least six yrs old. Originally we call her inky because we didn’t know her gender at first but now we definately know she is a she and she still play with snip that she is a the cutest little feminne love ball. At first she was afraid of me and no matter what she would run away in the house whenever she saw me and I felt so sad about thisl. Now I think she was abused at some point in her life but now she sees how much we love her and loves to take naps in my recliner on my lap and because she is so sweet we give each other huggies and lovies. This kitty is a natural was to get a good night sleep so she and her kind would be a very good way to help people that can’t sleep well.

So we named her Twinkie and some times twinkle toes. She rescued me at a time when I felt very depressed because I missed our two cats of old age. They were at least 18 or 19.Previously we answered an ad in the paper to give away kittens in a short time kitty carer. I have never had a cat like Twinkie and I think she looks like a library lion when I lived in NY. She loves fancy teast and crunchies in the am and evening. I am seeing that I’m rambling on and on to this pretty black lovely creature and we keep her as an inside cat because I hate to see any animals that are killed in the road side. I’m so glad that I had a chance to tell about me and my real cute black lion.

Apr 16, 2010
by: Michael

Thank you Joyce, you are a sweet mother cat…meow….purr

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Apr 15, 2010
Raw Cider Vinegar
by: Joy

I forgot to mention I spray my cats with raw apple cider vinegar for fleas and skin conditions. I also gave it to my Furby who was nearly dead when I rescued him last November. It has to be the raw kind from the health food store. Vita cost mail order also has good prices on it. Google raw cider vinegar and see what all it is good for. I like to spray the cats with it and if they lick it off all the better

Apr 15, 2010
Here’s some help
by: Joyce Sammons

I’m sorry I’m so late getting back to you. Had company from out of town and just have got online. Check out this site. This is the type of clinic I used on Furby and Lola and they were great.

There are several other clinics listed in your area. I would do as they advise on the deworming and shots before surgery.

Also check the Pet Smart stores. I looked them up for your area. Many of them now have vet clinic in them.

$300 for a visit seems way too high. I know when I took Furby and Lola to have their surgeries they got a package deal at the humane society clinic and had all the tests and all the shots and was $80 for the male and $100 for the female.

Also ask around and find out if there are any traveling pet vacs. My area in SC has a traveling vet who sets up in different spots every day and shots and tests are less than half what the vets charge because the vet doesn’t have overhead like rent. He has a small mobile camper. There may be something like that in your area.

Here’s a pet insurance plan I looked into. RIght now I’m out of work and can’t afford but it looks like its what I would want.

Let me know if I can help

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