Never use a dog insecticide on cats. For example, don’t grab you dog’s insecticide to treat your cat’s fleas. It is the sort of thing that can easily be done. “Convenience” comes to mind. A lot of what we (me included) do wrong in relation to our cat is because it is convenient to do it and we don’t realise the consequences. Permanently feeding dry cat food is another example. We should shun convenience and choose: quality care. It is harder.
According to the AVMA Animal Poisons Control Center the number one cat poison is permethrin in their list of ten. Permethrin is an insecticide used on dogs.
To be honest, I wouldn’t use any insecticide on a cat even if it is designed for a cat. The only cat flea treatment I would use is Frontline and even that is toxic and nasty. Topical insecticides designed for cats should be used with great care and the instruction must be read carefully. We are all guilty of being bad at reading instructions.
According to the International Cat Care charity, it is possible for a cat to be poisoned simply by coming into contact with a dog that has had permethrin insecticide treatment. On the basis that that is true, people who keep dogs and cats have to be very careful. Don’t forget permethrin can kill a cat.
In the UK hundreds of cats are put down yearly for poisoning by dog insecticides.
Permethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid. Pyrethroids are incorporated into many household shampoos and sprays. They are used on dogs and humans. Note: high levels of a similar compound: Pyrethrin can also poison cats.
Look, it is impossible to list all the products that contain permethrin. There are many for humans (creams for example) and even for cats (Bob Martin’s flea collar – totally irresponsible product).
My carefully considered advice is don’t buy or use any product that contains an insecticide on your cat unless your vet – and he has to be a damn good vet – advises that it is OK.
Permethrin poisoning causes a cat to:
- Vomit
- drool
- froth at mouth
- have tremors
- stagger
- be depressed
- breath badly and rapidly
- die
Avoid the bloody stuff and please read the labels. My thanks to Kattaddorra for pointing the dangers of this chemical out to me.
Associated: Toxic to cats.
This is the same as Frontline in Europe and America. It is interesting that you have your own brand. I have just been to an Indian online pet store and found it interesting. Not much different to Europe.
“FLEA TREATMENT” shampoo for dogs is a poison for CATS and any veterinary chemist would advice on the same. If you do use “Dog Shampoo” then make sure your cat is thoroughly washed with water for removing the shampoo.In case the cat licks the shampoo it could suffer poisoning.I have given my cats a flea bathe with “Dog Shampoo” but was careful to thoroughly remove traces of the shampoo once applied.In Mumbai to date there is no separate “Flea Shampoo” available as for dogs.On a recent visit to my vet i purchased a “Fiprofort Plus” spot on solution meant only for cats flea removal.Its not a shampoo but a small throw-away pipette that has to be squeezed at the base of the neck of your cat’s skin.This is the latest “Anti-Flea” medicine available cor cats in India.No need of giving your cat a bathe, just apply this entire tube on the cats neck.
For me, based on my own experience, what you state is the answer to flea treatment, not chemicals.
Thanks Ruth for that insight.
Also if you have to use flea treatments always buy them from a vet and always check the expiry date before using it. Vets staff are not infallible when stacking drugs (I won’t say they are careless but some may be) and cats have died because of people using out of date flea treatment.
Better still don’t use chemicals on cats regularly, we comb ours daily and have no flea problems, it worries me that some people use flea treatments monthly without questioning if it’s really necessary!
Apologies for the typos on this post. Brain fade of an old cat lover.