To be honest, we don’t know the answer to the question in the title because of a lack of scientific reviews. There is a lot of talk but little science on the internet about colloidal silver treatments and nearly all of it relates to humans. There are some useful comments on this page. Please check them out.

I was immediately struck by the opposing viewpoints taken by people on the effectiveness of colloidal silver. There is a bit of a conspiracy theory too. Supporters say that big business want to discredit it as it cannot be patented. If it was hugely effective it would eat into the profit margins of big pharmaceutical companies.
My impression is that supporters come from the ranks of the large supplemental, fringe, medical marketplace and homeopaths. Detractors come from mainstream medical practitioners and scientists.
So, for example in the UK, NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) state on their website, in a very truncated page, that there are no relevant reviews, no references to reliable up-to-date reviews etc.. In other words there is no scientific evidence as to its effectiveness. Reviews are needed.
In the USA, NIH (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health) say that the ‘bottom line’ (they use that phrase) is that there are no high quality studies on the health benefits of colloidal silver. The claims of health benefits are not supported by science. The FDA say it is not safe or effective for treating diseases. Taking it by mouth is said to be hazardous to health (possibly). This is all in reference to treating humans, of course.
So, the medical establishment more or less rejects colloidal silver, which incidentally is incredibly small particles of silver suspended in a solution.
It reportedly works by disabling the enzyme that single celled bacteria need for their oxygen metabolism. That is one description. It comes from the website. Colloidal silver acts as an natural antibiotic. It is claimed to treat a very wide range of diseases and conditions. This makes me suspicious.
As there is little or no science, I can’t assess it from that standpoint. We should not, however, be automatically critical of the product just because some doctors and scientist don’t like it. There are many examples of mainstream medical practitioners rejecting novel treatments as a reactionary response. Doctors are generally quite conservative and are part of the establishment.
That said my overriding impression is that colloidal silver as a medical treatment for cats should be a last resort in treating a FIV cat.
I would be reluctant to use it as a first-choice treatment. In fact, I would not do it. I’d stick with the tried and tested until and if matters became desperate. This is just a personal viewpoint.
Do you have personal experience of the effectiveness of this product?
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ME another visitor has left another informative comment which nicely adds to the page. I am very pleased with the comments on this page.
Many thanks for a super comment which is very useful, informative and which plugs the gaps in my article. Thanks again.
New on the site – love it, though!
Silver started being re-investigated as an antimicrobial agent when acknowledgement of antibiotic resistance began cropping up in the 1960s. It has been used for centuries along with honeys as topical wound treatment. Currently, it is a mainstay of burn treatment but it’s efficacy and limitations are under a lot of scrutiny at the moment.
This is a PubMed review article (fully visible) that looks at various burn treatments as well as silver and talks about the benefits, limitations, and current changes in methods of use as of 2010. (Warning: is long and medical-y)
This is a review on the dangers and cytotoxic effects of nanosilver (there’s quite a few documented) – this is only an abstract:
Please be aware that most of the research is done in lab settings on either cloned human cell lines or in lab animals. As new studies come out, the largest immediate concerns are around neurotoxicity and reproductive toxicity.
Additionally, while finding better ways of packaging silver to harness it’s cytotoxic effects (so that it kills cancer and not normal cells, etc), there is data to support that certain silver compounds can help prevent viral *transmission* – not treat current viral infections.
In summary, silver is being looked into, but in unregulated concentrations or forms as are currently in most alternative medical products, it could be harmful to your pets and has not yet shown any data for treating FIV infections.
I knew you would and that’s fine. Hope for owners of FIV cats to me seems more likely found in the drugs used to control AIDS.
More Links sorry.