Is it correct to euthanize shelter cats exposed to panleuk?

Disinfecting animal shelter
Disinfecting animal shelter on panleuk outbreak

WATAUGA COUNTY, N.C. — A deadly cat, feline panleukopenia (panleuk – feline distemper) virus has forced a North Carolina shelter to make a life and death decision concerning the cats in their care.

The Watauga Humane Society is euthanizing dozens of cats to keep the virus from spreading. Up to 80 are expected to be killed. This will be followed by a two week quarantine where the shelter won’t take in more cats. The facility will also be given a good bleach cleaning to prevent infection when they reopen.

The video explains the viewpoint as to why the Watuga Humane Society mass kill is necessary…(Update: video no longer available – v.sorry)

Channel 9 New was allowed to see some of the cats on Wednesday. The cats aren’t showing symptoms at this time, which would include vomiting, diarrhea and fever. Still, those who made the decision to euthanize the cats don’t want to risk a more serious outbreak. Dr. Greg Lowe, veterinarian for the Society, told Channel 9

“You have to think about the health of all the other animals that may go through here, and you cannot risk that large population. You can’t risk it.”

Greg says that eight out of every ten cats who get panleuk will die from it.

Shelter executive director Laurie Vierheller reported that all of the recent adopters have been contacted and told what to watch for. The Society will assist those who took home a new cat, should symptoms develop. Approximately 40 cats that recently left the shelter for new homes had been vaccinated, but they’re concerned with the period it takes the vaccinations to kick in.

There have been eight to 10 deaths confirmed due to panleuk at this one shelter. Volunteers have stepped in and taken the cats who weren’t exposed, and are monitoring those cats for signs of panleuk.

Recently, Anderson County P.A.W.S., the same shelter who provided a temporary home for the cats rescued from the Belton home of Julianne Westberry, had a possible outbreak. They went into a two week shutdown to contain their situation. From what I’ve heard, no mass murder was planned for their cat population.

The shelter in Greenville, South Carolina where most of our cats originated, has had several outbreaks over the years. You all may remember the outbreak in July/August of 2011 when many, many cats rescued and fostered died. The shelter there also used the euthanasia approach I know of on at least two occasions. We were criticized back then for keeping the kittens we had rescued in quarantine in a room together, but they were all together in the same vehicle coming home.

Nothing was said about the panleuk until the following day when our vet diagnosed the mother of one of the litters, along with all of her kittens. If caught early, it can be successfully treated with Tamiflu, as well as other medications to control the symptoms. That 24-hour window could have been spent being proactive instead of wondering what was happening to cause such a swift decline. Panleuk can hit fast and it always hits hard.

Marley, our mother cat, survived. I had heard the death rate was thirty percent among cats and ninety percent among young kittens. Only one kitten survived, and that was our black kitten, Midnight.

I applaud the shelters who speak up and warn the public when they have an outbreak. They have a responsibility to the public to tell of any feline and canine infectious diseases in the community. After all, those who adopted may take their sick animal into a vet for treatment, and everyone who plans to visit a vet for routine care needs to know when panleuk, or parvo (dogs), in spreading through the community.

Do the readers here think it necessary to euthanize the shelter cats to prevent an outbreak from wiping out their cat population? Or would a simple quarantine and cleaning be the best approach? Is it better for a shelter’s “image” to work with the public, or to orchestrate a cover-up? Your comments are welcome.


27 thoughts on “Is it correct to euthanize shelter cats exposed to panleuk?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Pickens County, SC is the same as Greenwood. But at least on their FB page they say HS and Animal Shelter. Their problem is dogs and cats being stuck there a year or more.

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