I explain why it is illegal (and impractical) to shoot feral cats in Wisconsin. My assessment of the situation is in stark contrast to the assessment of hunters and trappers who like to kill feral cats anyway possible. For example, one such person made the following comment:
“It is perfectly legal to do so [kill a cat], someone’s pet or not. Nuisance-animal, pest-control, depredation-control, and invasive-species laws supersede ALL other animal-protection laws. Even an endangered Florida Panther can be legally shot to death if it is threatening the well-being of you or your own animals. Just be certain that you shoot to kill or use any other of the legally agreed-upon methods under which hunting and trapping is allowed. Shoot to maim is illegal and falls under animal-cruelty laws. But a dead cat is a legal cat…….” (feral cat hunter/killer)
This person even says that you can shoot someone’s pet if that pet is a nuisance animal or a pest and an invasive species because the laws governing these issues supersede all other animal welfare laws. He does go on to say, though, that shooting to maim a feral cat is illegal as it would fall under the animal welfare laws. You have to shoot to kill cleanly; this is his argument (I think he got this point from me!). Obviously, I disagree with everything he says.
Umbrella Animal Welfare Law
As mentioned in a previous article, the general, umbrella law, regarding animal cruelty in Wisconsin is governed by the Wisconsin Cruelty to Animals Statute – Chapter 951. This law covers all animals meaning every living warm blooded creature except human beings, reptiles or amphibians. Cruelty is defined in a common sense way: causing unnecessary and excessive pain or suffering or unjustifiable injury or death.
This statute does not include any exemptions or exceptions with respect to feral cats. It does not say that the Act does not apply to feral cats. Therefore feral cats are included in the Act as an animal protected by it.
Therefore, I have to ask if the feral cat can legally be shot under any other statutes or regulations in Wisconsin? Well, firstly, the feral cat is not listed as one of the invasive species in Wisconsin. Therefore it cannot be said that a person can shoot feral cats because they are considered to be an invasive species in that state.
Therefore so far we have to say that it is illegal to shoot feral cats. We then have to discuss the question as to whether a hunter is being cruel when he shoots a feral cat dead. As mentioned above, if a feral cat is doing nothing in particular, not attacking anybody but just minding his business then shooting that feral cat would be an unjustifiable death and therefore in breach of Wisconsin animal welfare statutes under Ch 951.
As to whether it is possible to shoot a feral cat without causing the cat pain, you would have to ask an expert that but in my opinion it is impossible to do this. In addition it is impossible at a distance to shoot a feral cat so accurately that the cat is killed instantly without any pain. Therefore the hunter causes unnecessary and excessive pain to the feral cat and therefore the hunter’s actions once again are in violation of the animal welfare/protection laws of Wisconsin.
In the comment above you can see that the hunter believes that when a cat, whether someone’s pet or a feral cat, is a nuisance animal he/she can be shot dead legally. This has to be incorrect. I think the hunters are getting mixed up with the laws governing predation on livestock by predators such as the mountain lion. However, the Wisconsin Department of natural resources say that wild cougars probably disappeared from the state by about 1910.
The concept that feral cats are pests and nuisance animals is untenable. Firstly, you cannot tell the difference between a domestic cat, stray cat or a feral cat particularly at a reasonable distance. A stray cat might be a domestic cat owned by somebody and if you shoot him/her you are committing criminal damage (another crime) and violating the animal welfare/protection acts of Wisconsin. Domestic cats are allowed to be outside in Wisconsin. A domestic cat cannot commit trespass or nuisance.
To the best of my knowledge, feral cats are not considered to be pests in Wisconsin. The reason is probably because, as mentioned, you cannot tell the difference between feral cats and domestic cats in many situations and therefore it makes any law defining feral cats as pests and nuisance animals unworkable. I visited a couple of pest control businesses in Wisconsin and neither listed feral cats as pests.
The Wisconsin Small Game Hunting Regulations 2017
These are lengthy but the core text states that unprotected species means “all other wild mammals not specifically mentioned…..” – unprotected species can be hunted with a license.
Feral cats are not mentioned as unprotected. The feral cat is often a feral domestic cat. They are often semi-feral and frequently tame and domesticated. They are not wild mammals. They are often not born in the wild but in homes. It is impossible to describe feral cats as wild mammals in the conventional sense. Therefore they are not unprotected species under these regulations. Therefore they are not animals that can be hunted under these regulations. In addition how does a hunter identify a feral cat over a domestic cat? Impossible at a distance. Therefore a hunter could kill a person’s cat. This would be a crime.
About 15 years ago, Wisconsin came up with a controversial proposal to allow hunters to kill feral cats. It gathered some support but it did not get off the ground. The state’s Department of Natural Resources said that 51 counties supported the proposal and 20 rejected it with a no-vote in one county. Congress was obliged to consider the proposal to get it passed into law. This did not happen. The reason was almost certainly because the concept is unworkable, impractical and unenforceable. It would have meant hunters shooting domestic cats, someone’s cat companion which is a crime obviously.
The fact that this proposal was put forward and was rejected also supports the argument that there is no specific law, today, in Wisconsin which allows hunters to shoot feral cats. I have covered all the other options above. Therefore I can say with some confidence that it is illegal to shoot dead a feral cat in Wisconsin unless it occurs under exceptional and particular circumstances; for example due the person’s fault a feral cat attacks the person which is highly unusual. Under these circumstances I suspect the person could legally shoot dead the feral cat.
How do they get away with shooting feral cats?
The reason why these hunters get away with shooting feral cats is because law enforcement are disinterested in prosecuting such cases. The feral cat shooters know this and therefore they continue doing it. They then find a way to justify it as you can see from the comment above but they are misleading the public. They can mislead some of the public because the law is complicated and tiresome. People don’t want to read it.
I am open to correction and amendment quite obviously but it is impossible to refute the conclusion. However, feral cat hunters/trappers must be polite and support their argument with chapter and verse references to the law. You won’t be able to.
I appreciate your efforts to try to talk some sense into people. Some people will never have any sense. I agree with everything you have said.
You are a douchebag. I don’t understand how people like you get to walk around freely and spread your cruelty to innocent animals. FUCK YOU.
It does not change the illegality of the behavior.
Try calling them back, say you’re a farmer and have a problem with feral cats. Then ask if it okay to shoot feral cats on your property. You’ll likely get a very different answer.
I have spoken to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources twice you idiot and they say that it is illegal to shoot feral cats in Wisconsin. Read the article again. Moron. I am correct and you are dreaming.
No Law Against It = Legal – Comment from Admin: this statement is pure rubbish. It should be ignored. I have published it in the name of freedom of speech but…BS it is…
Too bad you don’t know how hunting laws work. Laws can only deny you from hunting specific animals protected under laws. If there are no laws against it it makes it perfectly legal. If you take into account all invasive-species laws, then it is not only legal, but a mandatory act and civil duty to kill all stray cats to protect the fragile environment and all native species from ignorant and biased pavement-brained eco-terrorists like yourself.
Just because you desperately want to believe something is illegal doesn’t make it so. If you’re not going to curtail stray cat populations then everyone else will do it for you, using means that you don’t seem to enjoy. Just like you often claim that it is illegal for people to trap cats and dispose of them. If that were true then no TNR practitioner anywhere on earth could legally trap stray cats anywhere and do with them what they want. There are no laws against it so it makes it perfectly legal to trap stray cats and do with them whatever you want. All agreed-upon hunting and lethal trapping methods also apply to cats.
The sooner you start to comprehend this and accept the reality of your world, the sooner you can start saving cats from being shot to death or trapped in lethal traps, by educating your fellow cat-ass morons on how to keep your vermin cats out of lethal traps and out of the path of loaded guns — by cat supporters containing them on their OWN property. It’s the only way to save the lives of your vermin cats.
Whinging about them being shot and poisoned to death for decades now doesn’t seem to be stopping that from happening, now does it. No, the few cases you actually hear about are increasing daily, because you and all just like you won’t do one damn thing to stop throwing cats to their certain deaths. You might just as well run over cats with your cars yourself or feed them antifreeze yourself so someone else doesn’t have to do it for you so you can just whinge about it your whole pathetic and irresponsible life.
Grow the fuck-up, you immature addle-brained twat.