Is it true that cats can see ghosts?

The question presupposes that ghosts exist. Some people believe that they exist, others don’t. Scientifically speaking ghosts do not exist. There has been no scientific proof supporting the existence of ghosts. If ghosts don’t exist then cats can’t see them.

If ghosts do exist then cats are no better placed to see them than human beings except for the fact that a cat’s eyes are more sensitive to light and therefore, as we all know, they can see better in the dark. This may make them more able to see ghosts.

However, it would seem perverse if a ghost made its presence felt or seen by a cat and not by a person. I would have thought that if a human ghost made itself manifest to the world it would be before a person or persons. That must be the purpose of a human ghost. Therefore, if cats can see ghosts then so can people. There’s not much more to say on this subject…except I wonder if there are ghosts of departed cats which can only be seen by cats?

Elisa has a completely different take on this subject:

Can Cats See Ghosts?

My personal belief is that ghosts don’t exist but that is neither here nor there in this discussion.

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