Is Minou a York Chocolate?

Is Minou a York Chocolate?

by Ashley
(Ontario, Canada)

Wow! After doing so much research trying to find out what kind of cat I had I think I may have found it! Minou fits most of the description for a York Chocolate, especially the temperament.

He loves to be picked up onto your shoulder and carried around like a baby. He is very intelligent, he's even learned how to pull handles down to open doors in our home.

I adopted him from a family who took in the pregnant female. She had two chocolate brown kittens and two black kittens. I knew from the first day I had him he was a special cat.

I realize he's probably not a real York Chocolate but that seems to be the closest breed classification I could find for him.

What do you think?


Hi Ashley... I am going to have to refer you to a general article that answers your question

What Breed Is My Cat?

You can't say a cat is a certain breed from appearance and character although sometimes a cat is so distinctly a certain breed that you can be pretty certain but even then you need documentary evidence as to pedigree.

The York Chocolate is a particularly hard cat to match as I am yet to find a definitive breed standard and the cat was created from random bred cats.

Minou looks gorgeous and has the general appearance of a York Chocolate and character but as he is not registered with a cat association that recognises the breed he can't strictly speaking be a cat of this breed.


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Is Minou a York Chocolate?

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Mar 12, 2011
Ah lovely!
by: Leah (england)

It never matters to me what sort of breed a cat may of not be whats important is that you love them anyways and clearly you do!

She looks so contented and one of the pleasures I have in my life is that I can spend time with my 2 beautiful cats and know that they are happy.

She's very pretty and has unusual markings.

Mar 11, 2011
Minou is beautiful!
by: Anonymous

Minou looks so much like a cute little pet quallity girl Oriental Longhair that I loved years ago, named Mouse. Folio`s Little Brown Mousie was a doll but not very Oriental looking, her kitten coat was milk chocolate colored and a very pretty dark chocolate (the color of bittersweet chocolate) when her adult coat came in. She was a real treasure that followed me around the house with a sweet voice that chirped, squeaked and prattled constantly. She also was very curious, loved drawers, and sitting on your shoulder. She was a bottle baby, and from the time she was hamster sized and was on someone`s lap would head right on up to their shoulder for a buzzing-purring nap in their ear while they sat in a livingroom chair or the couch. It also didn`t matter whose shoulder it was. When she was older she`d hop up on your shoulder, never using her claws. She was a much loved family member and I still miss her. Thank you for sharing your photos and bringing back great memories!

Mar 11, 2011
Minou Looks Like My Cat Coco
by: John

Your cat looks so much like my cat, named Coco,(which is a female) that it is amazing. Michael was kind enough to let me post two different sets of pictures of Coco on this website at the following two links:

Please take a look at Coco's pictures and let me know what you think because I think she is a York Chocolate, too. However, another reader thought she also looked like a Tiffany.

Your cat has such a sweet face and beautiful eyes. Coco likes to be picked up and carried around, too and she never hisses or scratches. She communicates with soft meows or little chirps.

I hope you two keep each other company for a long time to come.

Mar 11, 2011
Minou Looks Like My Cat Coco
by: John

Your cat looks so much like my cat, named Coco,(which is a female) that it is amazing. Michael was kind enough to let me post two different sets of pictures of Coco on this website at the following two links:

Please take a look at Coco's pictures and let me know what you think because I think she is a York Chocolate, too. However, another reader thought she also looked like a Tiffany.

Your cat has such a sweet face and beautiful eyes. Coco likes to be picked up and carried around, too and she never hisses or scratches. She communicates with soft meows or little chirps.

I hope you two keep each other company for a long time to come.

2 thoughts on “Is Minou a York Chocolate?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Yes he is a very special cat. There is a very good chance that Minou is Chantilly/Tiffany….a very rare breed of cat. If you look at the board called Chantilly Photo Album, you can see that Minou has the personality and appearance of a Chantilly…There is a high possibility the Chantilly naturally developed out of Canada. Cats in Canada do not look like any our cat or cat breed I have seen. Unfortunately this breed is facing near extinction. There is only one known breeding Female left in existence. This breed faced a similar fate in the 1980s when a female and her kittens from Canada saved the breed. Hopefully history will repeat itself…. Do you still have Minou? Minou does not need to be a breed able male to help the Chantilly. We need people to spread the word and educate the public about how unique and beautiful this breed is. Fellow Chantilly enthusiasts and I have started a Group on Facebook dedicated to conserving and rebuilding the Chantilly breed. I also have included the link to our Facebook page bellow.

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