by Camilla
(London, UK)
Hi...I have a cat and he has very long hair round his face, in his ears and on his tummy extending to the back of his hind legs. I have been trying to see what breed he is closet to and the RagaMuffin seems to fit the description.
He was undernourished as a kitten so he quite small and has extremely small head and large eyes.
Picture attached....
Hi Camilla..... thanks for popping by the website. You may have seen other pages from other visitors who ask the same question but about different breeds. I responded to a similar question about a Maine Coon cat yesterday.
I usually say that if a cat caretaker does not have certificates that establish that their cat is purebred then it is not purebred (and therefore a cat breed) technically even though the cat is purebred. It is all about certification. But that is not really the whole story.
It could be argued that some feral cats are purebred (without certificates of course) if they have been created on an island from a few founding cats (the Manx is an example).
Anyway, the bottom line is probably this. Your cat is probably a DLH - domestic long haired cat of random breeding. But I could be wrong. It is simply not possible to decide a cat breed conclusively from a photograph alone as some purebred cats will be poor examples when compared to the breed standard but will still be purebred and therefore a breed of cat albeit unregistered.
Your cat is very nice looking. You are the first, I think, from London, to ask this question. As you might know I too live in London.
Someone else might well respond better than me.
Hi Mollie, she is very attractive and probably not a RagaMuffin because you’d know if she was having either purchased her from a breeder or have a documented pedigree. Thanks for visiting and asking.
is she a ragmuffin
Abslutely. That is far more important. Anyway random breds are generally healthier.
Hi, I was wondering the same about my cat. In the end, what matters is that we love her no matter what breed she may be.
I had a cat from a shelter long ago, it looked exactly like yours, I thought someone had stolen my picture, when I saw that. this cat is probably a Siberian or half Siberian.
the picture is from the internet, Siberian breeders, but looks exactly like my former cat
i think its York Chocolate Cat
check this and see.