Is my cat’s diet wrong?

Is my cat’s diet wrong?

by Michelle

Photograph reproduced under creative commons copyright'll be...(Flickr)

Photograph reproduced under creative commons copyright'll be...(Flickr)

My cat is overweight. In fact she has been overweight for about 14 years, from about one day after I found her on the streets of London.

She was starving and abandoned under a car for shelter on a very damp and cold November day. I fed her. She looked fat. She has looked like that ever since.

I know one of the reasons for her weight is that she is inactive. Why is she inactive? Because she is a timid, quiet cat that probably had a tough start in life.

I play with her but she plays in a lazy way, probably because she is too fat to play actively (it's a downward spiral...).

She's still fit though after 14 years....not too bad really. The thing is this - the vet recommended that she go on Hills RD (way too expensive) or LD, which I have given her for years in conjunction with prawns !! and fish.

We have fought over her diet for eons. I am not actually sure that dry food is the right food for her. It's hard to know what's right.

There are arguments that says that dry food is too starchy and it is like giving your cat Kelloggs Frosties every day.

I personally find that when I eat high calorie food it burns off fast in my body and within about 3 hours or so I an hungry again.

This seems to be the pattern for my cat. She returns for more and over eats.

In general the problem of obesity in humans is being mirrored in their cats, which is not surprising.

But a part of the problem could be the food. Maybe the manufacturers are putting stuff in the food that makes it very attractive to cats driving the cat back for more. A Good idea as you've got to buy more. The pet market is huge.

With overweight goes diabetes (potentially) and this has always worried me about my cat. But she seems alright.

There is a higher incidence of diabetes in cats at present.

I think what I will do is try some raw food for her, that high in protein. The problem with that is it is hard to get hold of.

Back in the old days you popped down to the corner shop for some fish but where are the fishmongers these days?

Another problem is that fish is very expensive because fish stocks are falling due to overfishing.

We have it seems a duty to eat less fish to help stop overfishing.

It's really complicated trying to get my little girl slimmer. One last point. She doesn't mind being fat and maybe she should be a little fat as we can't push every cat into the same size. They vary naturally in shape just like us.

The photograph is not of my cat. It's just for illustration purposes.

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Is my cat's diet wrong?

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Sep 18, 2011 Best
by: Michael

The best diet is a raw diet properly prepared and stored. Combine that with exercise and all should be well. Alternatively a wet food commercial diet with some dry for grazing and some human treats plus exercise should fix things. See Best dry cat food in the USA.

Dec 08, 2007 To Helmi
by: Anonymous

Helmi, your a darling. Thanks for making your helpful comment.

I'll take your 2 penny's worth anytime.

Dec 06, 2007 My Cat's Diet
by: Helmi

I have heard that raw food, with the appropriate supplements, most mimics a cat's natural diet; next is canned food, then dry. But for a rescued cat, they were imprinted with the fact that food was not plentiful and you will find that many rescued cats are overweight.

I think you have to think first about the quality of life for your cat. Would you rather she be happy and a little overweight or trim and always looking for food? My feeling is that I'd rather my cats be content and a little overweight and they won't live as long as if they were trim, but they will have been happy while they were alive. Especially since I do not let them outside (I live in the city) so extra treats and play time and attention are my methods to make up for that. Each one of my four cats gets quality focused time from me and my husband.

If your cat has always looked the way she looks now, I certainly wouldn't worry about it. Just like humans are shaped differently, so are cats: some are long and tubular (Oriental Shorthair, Siamese), some are stocky (British Shorthair) and some are inbetween (Tonkinese and Burmese). I would accept her shape and enjoy her while keeping her as healthy as possible.

My two cents!


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