by Rachel
Saffy when we first got her
Hi, I took in a kitten in 2009 that was going to be dumped and she is now about 20 months old. The reason I am posting here is because I have been told that she looks like an Norwegian Forest Cat and I would really like to know if she is.
Saffy (that's her name) has many of the characteristics of her ancestors...She doesn't seem to mind the snow when we get it and isn't averse to a little pond dipping.. she is very curious and into everything, has the extra furry tail and ruff round her neck, also the furry feet.. is a very good climber and huntress... and loves helping, well her way of helping 😉
She is absolutely unique and is totally different in her ways compared to our other 4 non-breed cats, whom she gets on well with if a little goading into play when they don't want to counts. She is also very regal in her stance be it sleep sitting or feeding. She eats at (on) the table or freezer or chair, or wherever she decides she wants her food to be honest.
I will add the best photos that show her in all her furrinery 😉
thanks in advance for any feedback.. I can also be contacted via email at