Is this a photo of a female cat? Sexing kittens can be tricky, I think. I have looked at a ton of images and read the books and then scratched my head and bitten my fingernails 😉 .
Below is a picture of the rear end of a female cat. Below the image are two graphics which are instructions on how to sex a cat. I have a page on this which has helped me but…I need a second opinion. You’re going to tell me I’m wrong, I can feel it! Just joking. It’s pretty obvious.
Many thanks Susan.
Thanks ME. Appreciated.
🙂 thanks Dee.
Female indeed.
Female. This is the best I have found as we went through revolving sexes for our kits recently This is from Washington State University. If you’re really having trouble sexing the kitten take a picture. They wiggle less than the real specimen.
I think it’s a female. I recently had to sex a kitten for a friend and she looked like your picture. As she has aged a little it is easier to see-She’s a girl!