Is this Pixie-bob the unhappiest cat?

This is a Pixie-bob from the Legend Tales breeder. They have been breeding the Pixie-bob since 1996. They call the cat breed ‘the Golden Retriever of Cats’. That must mean the Pixie-bob likes playing fetch. Some cats do.

I have a page on the breed which you can read by clicking here. It is quite a rare breed. It is tailless. This is not a wild cat hybrid; just selectively bred to look a bit like a bobcat. I think the underlying purpose of the breed is to celebrate the wild cat in the domestic cat. People like to see a bit of the wild in their felines. You get a lot of that with the Pixie-bob.

Unhappy Pixie-bob. Photo copyright Helmi Flick.

But here’s the interesting thing about this individual cat: he looks hugely pissed off. He looks completely down in the dumps. I’ve not seen a more unhappy cat. However, I am sure the truth is that he is perfectly happy. It is all about this cat’s facial anatomy. It just makes him look the unhappiest cat.

He looks like a large cat too and this breed is larger than average. He has a super-strong face. Very masculine. I guessing that he is a male. I can’t see him being anything else with a face like that.

He looks laid back and quiet too. The breed is said to be sensible and quiet. They have tabby coats inline with the wild look. They weigh in the range 9-18 pounds. The price seems to be around $1,500-$1,800. Not cheap then.


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