Is this the best way ever for a vet to give a cat a jab?

Is this the best way ever for a vet to give a cat a shot 🐱 ? The distraction of the nice tasting treat is a good idea. What is that stuff in a tube, by the way?

Distracting a domestic cat during vaccination jab with a very tasty paste from a tube.
Distracting a domestic cat during vaccination jab with a very tasty paste from a tube.

Anything to make the experience for the cat (and the people there) better must be good. This cat does not notice the injection at all. Even without the distracting treat, domestic cats are very tolerant of these jabs. Depending on the individual, they hardly notice them, but I like the idea. It is a very nice thought. It tells me that the female veterinarian is a gentle soul who is sensitive to the feelings of her patients which makes her a good vet in my book.

P.S. I don’t think we should use the word ‘shot’ for vaccinations or taking a photo. It is not a good word because too many people shoot cats.


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