“It blew my world apart.” Galaxy talking about Lux

Jackson Galaxy with Lux the aggressive cat
Jackson Galaxy with Lux the aggressive cat. Photo Animal Planet
In a preview of what is to come on the Jackson Galaxy show 8 p.m. Saturday, June 14 on Animal Planet (very soon) Jackson says that he was getting along fine with Lux during his 6 week assessment of this celebrated so called “aggressive cat” until…..

His initial assessment was like mine and many others, I suppose: Lux was a provoked and wound up cat who lost his temper. But no.

Galaxy fell in love with Lux and was getting along beautifully but suddenly Lux snapped and it shocked Galaxy. He says:

“I honestly can tell you that after 20 years of working with cats … Lux is definitely the most challenging cat I ever worked with,”

We will see what he says in his show “My Cat From Hell” but he hints that dealing with Lux has made him reassess his approach to feline behavior “problems”.

His initial general assessment is that Lux suffers from “complex physical and emotional problems”. Let’s see what happens next but reading between the lines the Lux may have inherited his aggression which is promoted under certain situations and there may be issues of inadequate socialisation. This is an important case I feel. Lux may have emotional issues created at kittenhood or inherited.


12 thoughts on ““It blew my world apart.” Galaxy talking about Lux”

  1. I have found our first hand what good memories cats have. One of customers got a cat after his died and he was scared to let her out initially and he asked if I would try her with a harness. She hated it and I didn’t even get her outside with it. That was 8 months ago and even now when she sees me she spits and runs away. I feel awful and I know she will never forget. Someone at some point did something to Lux and she has never forgotten I think something that still happens to her, good or bad triggers it off.

  2. If it is not the family with whom Lux currently lives it is probably someone else who directly or indirectly caused this cat to lose his cool on occasions (or pain or socialisation). Perhaps something specific triggers it. We should find out soon if Jackson Galaxy has worked it out.

    Has anyone asked if this cat is declawed?

  3. I still think someone has done something to this cat to make him the way he is, cats don’t have physical and emotional problems for no reason.
    We all know that cats NEVER forget!

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