by Michael
Harrisonburg Police Department say that the local bye-laws of their community could include the right to beat to death an injured cat! They say that the use of deadly force on an injured animal is acceptable.
They usually shoot the animal. However, in the instance of a cat that was hit by a car, they say it is probably alright to hit the injured cat with a truncheon many times until dead.
There is an outcry about this and I can see why. This is the full story. What disturbs me is the mentality of this policeman and his colleagues who are defending him.
It seems that the individual policeman who bludgeoned the cat to death did not think about calling a vet to check if the cat could be successfully treated. His actions have a callous, unthinking quality that frankly I see quite a lot in the police force in the UK. There is a lack respect for animals.
The police always close ranks when one of their colleagues has done wrong. This makes them unaccountable.
It chimes with the sheriff who liked to shoot cats.
Yes, police do a difficult job and most are decent people but when a policeman does something wrong the force should admit error and ensure that the perpetrator is punished if punishment is suitable. To close ranks and issue rubbish statements that are transparently evasive does not help the relationship between citizen and police.
About the spaniel. That’s country people for you. They just like killing full stop. Frankly I am scared stiff for my cats since I moved to the country.