Jack the cat’s happy transformation from starving, sick street cat with mange and other medical issues to feeling and looking much better is thanks to Shadow Cats and their supporters.
This is a happy ending cat story from Shadow Cats Rescue on Facebook. Jack looks awful in the photo taken at the time he was found. It seems that the photograph has been Photoshopped to hide his appearance because it is blurred but nonetheless you get a strong impression that he was in a terrible state. It is hard to see a cat in that condition and it reminds us how hard it can be on the streets.
Jack is from Austin, Texas. The before and after photos are three months apart (May to July 2018).
Concerned citizens in the area where Jack was living contacted Shadow Cats who stepped in to change his health and life. There were donations in time and money from many and from the Shadow Cats One Life Fund and the Central Texas Cat Hospital. Heather is his new mom. She adopted him during his treatment at the hospital.
Shadow Cats report that Jack is progressing and regaining his health. They say it is beautiful to see him get better and live in the way he should be living, in a loving home. It isn’t just beautiful to see Jack’s transformation. It’s the people who achieved it who are beautiful too. This is one cat. There are many others in the same state who are not so lucky but to do what they did is wonderful. It is a happy ending cat story. I wish they were all like this.
Jack must have been an abandoned domestic cat because there is no mention of him being feral or semi-feral. He’s back where he belongs, in a home.
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I am so happy for Jack. What a difference in his health and demeanor after only three months. Who knows how long he has suffered on the streets. 😢☮️💜🐾
Whoever you are, you seem to have a stone cold heart. All animals are living beings with thoughts, feelings, and yes, emotions. Our fellow creatures deserve to be treated with respect and compassion, regardless of species. Some people prefer cats, some like dogs, many gravitate to other animals. Most everyone has a soft spot in their heart. Maybe you just have not found yours yet.😑