Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck argue over poop and have hired Poop 911 to pick it up

I’ll start with mentioning Poop 911. I had never heard of them until I read about the slight friction over poop between this high-profile couple: Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck who now live together. Apparently, they had an on-off relationship but it’s now on and they live in a nice big house somewhere in America as reported by the Metro.

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It needs to be very big because it is a “blended household”. That’s a polite way of saying that there’s a lot of people and animals living in it namely, Jennifer’s twins from a previous relationship and Ben’s three children also from a previous relationship plus eight dogs apparently adopted by Jennifer and I am pleased to say there is a cat in there as well.

I do hope that it is very nicely blended because with that kind of mix of humans and a single cat there might be some friction between the animals and as mentioned there is a little bit of friction between the humans.

To return to Poop 911. The couple have hired this business to pick up dog poop and perhaps the odd bit of cat poop but we don’t have the details. And the reason why they have hired this unique business is because Ben Affleck won’t pick it up! Jennifer Lopez has asked him to do his bit towards household harmony but apparently, according to news reports, he refuses to get involved with picking up dog poop which, by the way, we hope is outside the home in their back and front yard.

RELATED: Giardia in domestic cats and smelly poop

But they wouldn’t have hired Poop 911 unless there was some poop lying around somewhere outside the home. But why is it there?

Normally when cats poop outside the litter box they do so to mark territory and they need to do this because their territory has been invaded and they become anxious. Or they are anxious for some other reason such as their caregivers extended (I am not suggesting that this is the case).

So, if this is cat poop inside the Affleck/Lopez home, we can say that the cat is stressed because there are eight dogs and seven people. A lot of activity which can make a cat anxious. It depends on a lot of things but cats do like a bit of calm and predictability.

And I’m not saying that the kids are there in the home all the time. I don’t know.

Their home is described as a “lavish mansion”. As I said it must be big. It seems that Jennifer is the number one mover and shaker regarding animals and therefore she must really like them. Great by the way. And it would seem that Ben goes along with it. I’m guessing though.

I’m fascinated with Poop 911. It was founded by Geoffrey Bodle in 2005. He started the business because he imagined a world where you stepped on grass and not a “squishy disaster”. He describes his business as a crusade “against the dreaded landmines left behind by our furry friends”. He wants to restore “the joy of being outdoors for pet families and friends”.

They will clean your yard as often as you want and you can customise the schedule. Their weekly services start at the low price of $11.95. They go upwards from there as I understand it. A great service but there may be a need for a cat and dog behaviourist as well.

Picture of Jeniffer Lopez: By Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from Washington D.C, United States – 210120-D-WD757-1975, CC BY 2.0,

Picture of Ben Affleck: By Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0,

RELATED: Poop sends messages to other cats and animals thanks to bacteria living in anal glands

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