
by Kari

Our doll baby :)

Our doll baby 🙂

I always say that my kitteh Jinger found us. We immediately started petting her and talking to her. She was very friendly. I thought to myself well she must have an owner since she seemed so sweet, so we walked along our way, and she decided she would follow us…we walked 40 minutes around our neighborhood and she followed behind the entire time!

When we got to our house I tried to give her some cat food and milk and water but she wouldn’t drink or eat, at least not right away.  After she drank some and ate some we took her back to her side of the neighbor hood we knocked on a few doors and no one claimed her.  So I ended up leaving her there thinking she would find her way home. Then as I was leaving she ran to me and let out this cry that sounded more like a baby than a cat!

My heart crumbled. I opened my arms and said aww come here baby! And she ran into my arms. She is the sweetest kitty but she loves to fight with her older sister, our other cat Jenna..she’s playful and fun and a bit mischievousness.

We love her soo much and will never let her go! She is 9 months as of now. About a month ago we thought we lost her but she was in our neighbor’s tree for a couple days poor thing was stuck up there:(.  We made fliers and walked around town for hours calling her name.. we love our beautiful Chantilly Tiffany, especially the way she chirps and twill’s at me whenever i pet her soft fur 😀


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