Here is a video made by Ahsan of his cats 50/50 and Laila playing on what appears to be the roof terrace of his home. I have been to Pakistan and India so I can almost smell and sense the place. There is a distinctly different sensory experience in Pakistan or India compared to London, UK! That is obvious I suppose but it is very real.
Here is Ahsan’s description:
Here are my two raised rescued kittens, who are residing with me and this is 6:30 AM early morning when I have brought my LAILA (14 weeks old kitten) the white one out of her protection cage to play with my 6 months old kitten 50/50. They love and enjoy to wrestle and play with each other daily and I stand aside to watch them. They are happy with each other and both female felines are demanding to each other to be in this place with us. ENJOY!
I love this video because we are able to hear Ahsan speak to us and we are also able to better sense the surroundings of a far away and foreign place (for those of us living in the UK and USA).
But the overriding reason why I love the video is because we can see Ahsan’s cats really enjoying themselves together. They are buddies providing play and companionship; a little island of cat bliss amongst what we in the West, judging by Ahsan’s comments, perceive as a pretty harsh environment for the domestic and stray cat. Quite a contrast.
Thanks to Ahsan, 50/50 and Laila have as good a life as a domestic cat can have, anywhere, except perhaps for the lower availability of veterinary care in Pakistan.
This is where Islamabad is:
Yes a nice protective roof terrace in Islamabad isn’t a bad home for a domestic cat 😉
What an ideal location for cats to romp and play! Everything around the place had a calming effect. Peaceful. Do you live on a quiet street off to yourself? I really enjoyed that. Thank you so much.