by Ruth

Jo surrounded by feline guardian angels

Jo surrounded by feline guardian angels

Jo surrounded by feline guardian angels Jo sunbathing in comfort Jo cooling off  Jo loves his bench

Jozef is the most laid back cat we have ever had the pleasure of having in our lives.

He came to us at 6 weeks of age because his very young mother had no milk for her 7 kittens and he is now 10 years old and we love him more and more every day.

He is quite a Jekyll and Hyde character, a soft little pussy cat at home, but an intrepid hunter outside.

Watch out, mice!

In the photos attached he demonstrates how to relax indoors and outdoors, note he is using me as a pillow in the sunbathing on the windowsill one.

Can you see him smiling!

Some people don't like black and white cats but we love ours and they are very photogenic too.

We always have our camera handy, just a cheap digital one and have thousands of photos of our cats past and present.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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