by Ruth
(England )



I just had to share this lovely photo with my PoC friends. I was reading my library book earlier today whilst having lunch, but had to leave it a few minutes to answer the door.

When I returned, Jozef had not only taken over my book, he was wearing my specs too lol.

Why is it that no matter if it's a book, a magazine, or a newspaper we are reading, cats are always interested in them?

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Hi Ruth... Great picture and JOZEF is rather glamorous isn't he?

I guess cats like to be involved with us, around us, on us (sometimes) and on some of our stuff.

Maybe it is the scent of you on or near the book that attracts him. I think that is the reason. Of course cats also like paper as a toy.

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Feb 13, 2010 Only Goes To Show that Cats are Intelligent
by: Jo Singer

Of course he is interested in what you are reading. He is a most magnificent kitty:)

Feb 09, 2010 Genuine pose
by: Ruth

Thanks Finn but actually the specs did get there by themselves.I left them lying on my open book and Jo must have pushed them across as he lay down.
I could hardly wait to get the camera and capture that moment !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 08, 2010 Jozef the Bookworm
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

It's a great picture, Ruth, although I suspect he the specs didn't get ther all by himselves...
Our cat's will occupy any book or paper that attracts the attention of their humans from themselves. When you're center of the Universe it's the natural thing to do.
Snow White was so well behaved when we got her from the shelter, but for a year she has been watching Milly get away with all kinds of things, so now she too will jump on the table and place her 14 pounds all over my wife's croos word.
We prefer to believe it's always because the cats seek our company, but sometimes it's obviously just to remind us it's feeding time according to the cat clock. Pure blackmail. 😉

Finn Frode avatar

Feb 07, 2010 To Dorothy
by: Ruth

Jozef said to tell you he is looking serious because it was someone he didn't know well at the door and if they had come in he would have had to sit on his mammy's foot to protect her.
He is so funny when he does that,like a little 'guard' cat and I really do think he would attack anyone to protect me if he had to.
Yet it's our other cat Walter who thinks he's a dog, lol, he does a little sort of 'bark' as a meow sometimes, he tells us his dad was a dog lol

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 06, 2010 Jozef...why so serious?
by: Dorothy

I just love the coloring on Jozef's face. It is so unique, just like he is. What a love......


Feb 06, 2010 My shadow
by: Ruth

Jozef is my little shadow in the house in the Winter but come Spring he will be off out enjoying the sun and the grass and all the things cats love to do.
As long as he is happy and healthy is all that matters to us !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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