Kahn the Kitten – Tickle ‘n Bite

Kahn the Kitten – Tickle ‘n Bite

by Joe Tracy

The Roar of Kahn

The Roar of Kahn

This is Kahn the Kitten (although he prefers to be called Kahn the Cat as he refuses to acknowledge that he's a "kitten").

Some of you may remember the Asia the Cat videos I put out. Well Asia (who is doing good) now has a brother - Kahn.

Kahn is a feisty little rescue kitten... er... cat that has high ambitions of ruling the world. Right now he can tear up a room (including spreading all contents from a trash can around the room) in 37.3 seconds.

Kahn's not tall enough to leap over our Cat gate, but that doesn't stop him from trying. He tries to climb up the bars using his paws/legs and wrapping them around the bars. He gets only about a fourth of the way, but knows he's making progress. Kahn also can run faster than you can chase him. And he's a daredevil too, scaring me quite a bit with some of his stunts.

I will be putting out more Kahn videos in the future - some simple ones like this and others edited like the Asia videos. I have more Asia videos upcoming too. Cheers!

Here's the YouTube Video:

Update Nov. 27th 2010..Ninja Kitty Movie Trailer

We are pleased to bring you the Ninja Kitty Movie Trailer. We really are working on a "mini movie" although the trailer was mostly done just for fun. Enjoy!

Please See also:

Khan the Kitten Wagging Tail

Kahn the Cat vs. Darth Vader


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Kahn the Kitten - Tickle 'n Bite

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Jul 09, 2010
by: Colin

I am not being a dog in the manger but when Kahn grows up don't blame him for biting and scratching your hands will you.
Amusing now in a little kitten but a different story when he starts being punished for hurting and doesn't know why he is suddenly in the wrong.
You should not play with a kitten with bare hands,always use a soft toy.

Jul 09, 2010
by: Michael

Made me laugh. Can't do better than that. Very dry and amusing. Thanks for sharing.

Michael Avatar

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