Keeping a cat violates the principles of veganism?

NEWS AND VIEWS: The words of the title are not mine. I think they are too intransigent, too intolerant. But they are the words of the girlfriend to a 22-year-old man who lives with a ginger tabby-and-white long-haired cat. Mittens. This guy was in an excellent relationship with his girlfriend. They were highly compatible and during the Covid-19 pandemic they planned buying an apartment together. They were looking at a long-term arrangement.

However, it appears that in the background, in the mind of his girlfriend there was something else brewing and she didn’t disclose it until one day she gave him an ultimatum. Because she is a vegan she said that he had to get rid of his cat or she would leave him. It was a choice between Mittens and her. He had even converted from being a pescatarian (a person eating fish rather than meat) to a full vegan but to no avail. She dropped the bombshell and said that she did not see a future with him if Mittens was in their relationship.

Girlfriend insists boyfriend gets rid of Mittens because she is a vegan and believes that domestic cats should be extinct
Girlfriend insists boyfriend gets rid of Mittens because she is a vegan and believes that domestic cats should be extinct. Photo: Social media.


We are told that she said that owning a cat is unconscionable for vegans because they are meat eaters. In fact, they are one of the world’s most renowned meat eaters. They can’t do anything else but eat meat. My cat ate two mice last night around 2 AM. I heard him crunching through their skulls and I heard the scream of the mouse when he delivered the killing bite. That is the kind of thing that would make this man’s girlfriend go into an apoplectic fit. Can you imagine her being in bed with this guy and Mittens brings in a mouse to kill and eat under their bed?

News media reports that she advocates for the extinction of domestic cats! They only way to achieve that objective would be to destroy them all. If that is correct she is not the person that he thought she was. If she believes that all domestic cat should be destroyed then I think he has a good argument to move on and find somebody who is less strident in their views; someone who has less objectionable views.

You can’t blame cats for eating meat. I think this is a case of live and let live. We have to accept the behaviour of other species just as a woman has to accept the behaviour of her boyfriend and vice versa if they are to have a long-lasting relationship. And if you can’t accept their behavioural traits then don’t live with them.

I do not think that it is sensible to criticise other animals as she is. She can hold strong views about veganism, which is probably a good thing because we do need to eat less meat and we do need to think about the planet’s health. But there has to be an acceptance of others and of evolution which made them that way.

The man sought the advice of his friends and they reassured him that he was doing the right thing in not getting rid of Mittens. They thought that she wanted out of the relationship and was looking for an excuse.

And there is this peculiar dichotomy in her behaviour. Being a vegan, she is no doubt very concerned about animal welfare. Her thouhgts seem schizophrenic because she wants to destroy all domestic cats while at the same time be concerned about animal welfare. It doesn’t make sense and I don’t think she has thought things through properly.

There is one thing which has not been mentioned in news media which is that you can buy vegetarian dry cat food. Many cat advocates think that it is not viable but I disagree with them. If it contains all the right nutrients (which can be added in) then plant protein plus supplements makes for a balanced cat food. If he suggested feeding Mittens this food she may be able to accept the cat’s presence.


2 thoughts on “Keeping a cat violates the principles of veganism?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Also, remember the Black Plague? It was spread through the fleas that infested the rats who ran rampant through the cities. Where were the cats who would kill them? Being killed as witch familiars.

    The girlfriend is an idiot to want to rid the world of cats! Just saying.

  3. Glad the man dumped the girlfriend. She was unworthy to be a part of his family.

    Plant proteins are NOT equal to animal proteins. The brain of meat-eating animals, including humans, needs animal proteins in order to function properly. (Learned that in Anatomy classes.) Taking supplements will NOT work. Period! Could be why this girlfriend was so mentally off?

    Forcing your cat to eat vegan is sentencing him/her to a slow tortuous death. Just ask the fennec fox who was owned by a Spanish vegan diva. She was so proud about him and refused to acknowledge the fact that she was slowly killing him while she posted videos online. He went blind, lost his hair, went deaf, etc. all so she could prove a vegan diet was safe for him. She even lied and said her vet was supportive of this decision.

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