Kiki – He found us and we took him in

By Maria

This is the very first picture of Kiki relaxing on our deck. He’s around 6 months old, his paw was shaved in the emergency hospital. I found him a few days earlier in our front yard starving, sick and screaming for help.

York Chocolate

I was not sure I’d be able to keep him so I decided to try the shelter first of all and hoped they could find a good home for him. The poor thing purred in the car on my daughter’s lap and made me cry. They had a vet to examine him right away which was a plus. But when I called the shelter next day… you guessed it. They were going to euthanize him because the couldn’t afford the treatment. So I decided I had to give him a chance. It took us to cancel our plans for the day, to take him to the emergency hospital, to find a vet in a hurry and to finish the treatment back home. I’m so glad we did it and the other Kiki’s pictures prove how rewarded we are now.

Kiki never can leave my daughter to her own devices when it comes to puzzles.

York Chocolate

Kiki is a responsible cat and he’s in charge of not only my plants but the most important paperwork too. He’s also very fond of computer (pics to follow)

York Chocolate

York Chocolate

York Chocolate

BTW notice the gray spot on his lower belly. Now it’s almost gone

I wanted to share how much our family enjoys Kiki’s company. Just one more funny thing to mention. Sometimes I think Kiki has a few dog genes. He loves to take a walk with us around the block and will follow us all the way, just sniffing and checking on things here and there. He also prefers to be in the room with us even when taking a nap.


kiki-6 kiki-7 kiki-8 kiki-9

Also when busy hunting outside he’ll come home just to check on us and then return to his business right away.

York Chocolate


13 thoughts on “Kiki – He found us and we took him in”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. What bastards that they were going to put him down. He has found his forever home, thank goodness. It is absolutely wonderful, that their are people like yourself about. These so called animal sanctuaries are not at all caring. There are no words to describe them. I can think of some that are completely unprintable.

    Lots of love Sam

    A genuine cat lover of seven gingers and one tuxedo. I love my babies so much.

  3. what a wonderful story to wake up to in the morning after feeling so down. Hes so beautiful he must of wanted you to save him. He reminds me abit of my ozzy he looks so fluffy. Great to se pics of him interrupting you with the kids. Yea i agree with DW said for sure Cats that want to be with you are keepers. I often wander if ozzie gets depressed as he always seems to stay in our hallway at nights sleeps on a chair which is very unsual.

  4. Wonderful story to share! Thank goodness you went back to rescue this great cat. I think the cats who always want to be in the same room with you, are the best companions. And taking walks with you is also terrific. I’m so glad you shared Kiki’s story.

  5. If Maria is here in the states, it’s likely that Kiki is, primarily if not soley, an indoor cat. But, your advise is excellent even for indoor/outdoor cats. We have to be so cautious here, because cat haters are everywhere. They’ll mow down a cat on purpose with their vehicles.

  6. I love this Maria – Kiki is a nice name and Kiki is beautiful… There is no question about the fact that you did the right thing there – and look at the reward. How wonderful, such a nice story. Thanks for Sharing 🙂

    If Kiki goes outside alot on or by roads my only suggestions would be Microchip if he doesn’t have one, and a Reflective Collar for cars at night (especially cuz he’s black, I have a black cat too but in the headlights you don’t even see her, you just see a bright light which is the collar reflecting the light and doing it’s job very well) – and personally I believe it’s good to add a small tag which you can write cat’s name and your phone number and the street or area your cat is from (facing forward if poss so people can read it without having to turn it manually). They do need half an hour to get used to wearing one. That would be my advice – I know it’s boring to talk about this after your wonderful article and story about Kiki 🙂

  7. Maria, thank you so much for this story.
    Kiki is beautiful and happy.
    Thank God you took him back from the evil shelter, the ones I so detest.
    They would have killed this gorgeous cat with no remorse, the same they do with so many every day.
    Join the ranks of heroes here.
    P.S. Your daughter is darling.

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