King Cat Conquers Campus

by Michael
(London, UK)

It’s a jazzy headline that I just made up but it is about a serious topic; how the domestic cat can really and truly contribute to society. To all those idiots who say that cats are useless and that they should be shot or “euthanized” or whatever else you would like to do to hurt cats, take a look at this video:

{Note: Videos often have a lifespan and get pulled so eventually this may disappear!}

This is an ordinary, ginger, oldish (look at his tummy!) cat – who I would say is a tom cat – who has sauntered into a noisy and active school environment and made himself at home.

In doing so he has not only made friends with all the students and head teacher, he has enriched their lives. And the head teacher has recognised this.

No single human could have achieved that in such a nonchalant, composed, quiet and natural way. And without a single word of English spoken. It was all achieved by “presence”.

Actually, he is not always quiet! And a good thing too. I think this video, which Dorothy Wandruff has shown me (thanks Dorothy), shows how the domestic cat is so very useful to us.

They improve our lives in an almost invisible way sometimes. For cat caretakers they are our constant. Everything else changes and is slippery – cats are there for us.

I hope we can recognise that and I hope the people who ignorantly declare that cats “can’t do anything” change their minds.

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From King Cat Conquers Campus to Cat Behavior

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King Cat Conquers Campus

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Feb 15, 2011 Kathy W
by: Michael

That is a nice idea Kathy W. But as you say some politically correct head teacher would probably reject it on “health grounds”. Health would actually benefit.

All schools should have a resident cat! It would probably be a happier and better behaved community as a result.

Feb 14, 2011 great!!!
by: Kathy W

This is what Im talking about. Teach children at an early age that we as humans can live side by side with our fellow creatures. Also that they have feelings and give love back. I think every grade school and day care should have a resident cat but Im sure someone would cry ALLERGIES !!! OH MY

Feb 14, 2011 Lovely cat
by: Ruth

That is such a lovely video and what a wonderful cat !
There are often a few very shy lonely children at school and having a cat like that around must make them feel they have a friend and possibly help them make more friends as they share petting the cat.
Sometimes people say to me ‘What use are cats?’
I always reply ‘What use are people?’ and it’s true when you think about how much we take and never give back !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 13, 2011 Awesome!
by: Daniel Hudson

Not really much more to say other than that was truly an awesome story about a cat, and it’s great that so many people got to see it on TV!

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