King The Kicked Cat Nicely Re-Homed

Bright-eyed and perky King at Chris's home. He has a nice engaging face
Bright-eyed and perky King at Chris’s home. He has a nice engaging face. Photo: ASPCA
This is the final chapter in the story that you may still remember about the grey and white stray cat who was kicked on video and which went viral for a while due to its mindless callousness.  

Imagine having someone video you while you viciously kick a cat sending it 10 feet into the air into a bush. The arrogance of it is astonishing.

Anyway, this is a happy ending and my God we like happy endings and I want to thank Dee for picking out this little story for me.

ASPCA report that “The King Has Found His Castle”.  I like that.  King has been adopted by Chris Scordo who lives in Manhattan, New York.  Chris saw the story about King in the Daily News.  He says,

“In the paper was a photo of this really handsome cat. I remembered seeing the earlier headline about him and thought the paper had been sitting around for a long time. I was sure the adoption was over. Then I saw the date and headed to the ASPCA.”

chris with king the rehomed cat
King and Chris at Chris’s home. Photo: ASPCA
Judging by the photograph of him Chris works out a lot at the gym! Sadly, Chris’s previous cat, Chandler, died at the age of 20 of cancer, about 6 weeks before he adopted King.

He wasn’t expecting to find a new cat companion so soon but when Chris saw the photographs of King he liked his expressive face and thought he was “very bright eyed”. Chris liked King even before we met him.

Chris was surprised (as am I) to be the first person to arrive at the ASPCA for a chance to interact with King. Chris was interviewed by a cat behaviour counsellor before being given the green light to adopt him.

On the first night Chris stayed up all night interacting with King! He says,

“I stayed up the whole night that first night – King needs a lot of engagement!”

Chris says that King is a bit of a tough guy which is probably a reflection of his past life. It’s nice to know that King is still a trusting cat. It hasn’t taken him long to settle in which must be very good sign.

King allows Chris to hold him for short periods although at the beginning he was a bit unsettled. This is all normal and it seems to be going well. Chris has retained King’s name. He’s a celebrity. You can’t change the name of a celebrity, can you.

King has a bright future….

“He’ll never suffer again. He’ll have a heated bed in the winter, the best food and medical care, all the toys he wants, and plenty of love and affection.”

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