Kitten less than 24 hours old dumped in trash can by teenagers

I don’t want to write about this stuff. It’s too horrible. It’s too callous. And it’s about teenagers. Young people who have a life ahead of them. What’s their life going to be like if they start out like this? Chucking a newborn cat into a trash can and thinking that it’s funny.

Newborn kitten dumped in trash can by teenagers
Newborn kitten dumped in trash can by teenagers. I believe this is the hand of Michelle McFarland who rescued the kitten.

The discussion should really be about society and how we can improve it. How we can improve parenting. These are the big issues and they affect our relationship with companion animals. Most cat abuse ultimately originates in a child being raised poorly, failing to learn about morality. I am not damning poor parents because there can be genuinely difficult circumstances but humans can do better.

As I can’t write an article about social ills because this is a cat website, I’ll pass on what happened as reported by

An Oklahoma City woman, Michelle McFarland was minding her own business when a William (presumed to be a relative) came up to her to say that he had noticed two teenagers walking down the street who had thrown something in a trash can. The man looked inside, saw a newborn kitten and told Michelle.

She went over and had a look. She peered into the trash can and saw ‘this poor little thing’ sprawled out at the bottom of it.

She noticed that the kitten was hurt and crying. The newborn was cold and shivering. Michelle wrapped the kitten in a T-shirt which calmed her down.

Michelle believes the kitten is feral as there are a lot in the area. She also believes the kitten was no more than a day old.

She can’t understand how teenagers could behave like this; so insensitively and think that it is funny to kill a vulnerable creature in this way because that must have been their intentions.

Without writing boring stuff about the law, strictly speaking the teenagers committed a crime. No one will pursue that argument but it’s true. It was an attempted crime. The crime of animal cruelty; causing suffering unnecessarily.

The kitten is being fostered by Mustang Animal Shelter thanks to Michelle McFarland. Well done Michelle and William.

Our minds should now turn to the wider issues: the two teenagers and why they behaved as they did, devoid of an awareness of their indecent behavior. As a matter of urgency they need to be taught a lesson to put them on the straight and narrow. It would help them live better more fulfilling lives.

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4 thoughts on “Kitten less than 24 hours old dumped in trash can by teenagers”

  1. Yep, I have the same feelings. I am one of those old school types who thinks more discipline would help. And to stop the political correctness or tune it down a bit.

  2. In my generation these were called juvenile delinquents. Then someone decided branding them made for a lack of compassion in their youth. Some things are reprehensible. No less at all. Research shows that those who abuse animals tend to ultimately abuse humans. It pisses nevoff to the max and am happy for the lion who killed the poacher in the news this week. That kitten was such a sweet baby. I really don’t know what to say besides this.,,,I’m ranting aren’t I?

  3. Yes, I am sick of them too. There are too many of them. And they are everywhere in all countries. There are many like this in the UK.

  4. These little fucks should just be shot and pissed on! I don’t give a shit if they are children or adults. They don’t deserve to live. The parents obviously can’t raise them properly, and should have kept her damn legs closed! I’m so sick of little fucks like this living in today’s society. Thank you to the women who found this baby and hopefully will find a forever loving home.

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