Kitten On Stairs (Photo)

A cute photo of a tiny kitten on the stairs. No need to expand on the image in words except to say the stairs look awfully big and a challenge. It is a bit like climbing down a mountain.

3 thoughts on “Kitten On Stairs (Photo)”

  1. Sir, its nice hearing from you after all these years. Thanks to your site that i was encouraged toget fellow Indian cat owners to create a”Cat Club” in India which did happen with the “Indian Cat Federation” being formed which but is now sadly defunct after conducting a few “Cat Shows” in different Indian City’s.Another Cat club hasbeen formed associated to the “C.F.A” but they are uet to conduct aCat show in Mumbai.How are you and as for travel travel and blogging keeps me active beside’s my two cats at home.

    • Hi Rudolph. I hope you are well. It is amazing how time has flown. It has been many years that we have been friends through this website and through our love of cats.


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