Kitty Flats – Shoes For Cat Lovers

by Michael

Kitty flats are shoes for cat lovers. You should either like shoes a lot or be fairly well off to justify buying a pair but I think they are very cute and would look great on a serious cat lady. All cat lovers are cat ladies. In fact they are all ladies, full stop.

See base of page for rationale in using these photographs. Photos copyright Charlotte Olympia.

The black shoes are flats and the red ones have an enormous wedge underneath them. Forget about doing the litter when wearing these. You can be 6 inches taller if you can stay upright! Just joking.

Beyoncé wears Charlotte Olympia leopard-print kitty shoes. They are similar to the ones featured above but with a leopard print. Her 2 month old daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, also wears cat shoes (actually slippers) but by a different maker: Marc Jacobs.

Who fancies a pair? Do you love ’em or hate ’em?

Do you have some cat shoes? If so can you make a recommendation?

Link to the Charlotte Olympia website.

[Note regarding the photomontage: The pictures are copyright Charlotte Olympia. I have used them in this photomontage of my making under the principles of fair use as their use enhances the Charlotte Olympia brand and promotes the shoes featured.

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Kitty Flats – Shoes For Cat Lovers

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Mar 16, 2012
too true NEW
by: leanne

the way i go through footwear of all descriptions, including wellies, i’ll never be able, or want to to be honest, to afford shoes like that. they may look cute but thats about it.

Mar 16, 2012
Stick to wellies NEW
by: Ruth

You could get a lot of wellies for that much Leanne

Mar 16, 2012
how much!!!!!! NEW
by: leanne

£485.00!!! i’ll have two pairs then if thats all they cost.

Mar 16, 2012
What a lot of money NEW
by: Edward

Man all that money for a pair of shoes.
Mrs Ed said shell stick to wearing her plimsolls.

Mar 16, 2012
I knew
by: Michael

Ladies, I knew you were far too sensible to like these. They are a bit impractical and not very supportive.

I guess they are designed for the idle rich and cat ladies are too occupied serving their cat’s needs to find the opportunity to wear these. LOL.

Mar 16, 2012
by: Michael

I forgot to add the price: £485! for the flats. The wedge ones are more expensive.

Mar 16, 2012
Shoes without correct support cause problems !
by: Anonymous

Cute shoes, but dangerous, as women we need to wear properly fitted shoes with great arch support.
When wearing heels higher than 2″ our body is thrust forward causing lower back & hip pain, tight shoes will lead to deformity of feet (bunions).
I’m 59 & due to wearing WRONG shoes I am now dealing with extreme bunions, been relegated to wearing wide clogs, not exactly pretty but @ least they minimize amount of pain, insulin dependent diabetic means a foot surgery could kill me.
Dear lady friends, whenever we wear shoes designed to appeal to our vanity, we’re wrong damaging our feet & health.
Southeast Arizona

Mar 15, 2012
Just say no
by: Ruth (Monty’s Mom)

Very cute, but women need to start saying no to cute shoes unless those shoes give proper arch support and don’t place too much pressure on the ball of the foot. Of people who get neuromas in their feet 8 out of 10 are women. Because women will put up with foot pain for the sake of cute shoes! Men would never be so stupid. I am so done with cute shoes, even ones with cats on them. If your shoes hurt your feet that pain can become permanent. As the nerve tissue gets irritated and inflamed it swells. Keep irritating it and the nerve lays down scar tissue which may require surgery or chemical destruction of the nerve to get relief. Amazingly, a more expensive woman’s shoe is not always more comfortable. Even if you are willing to pay extra it’s almost impossible to find a dressy pair of shoes for women that are also sensible and comfortable. But dress codes at work may require a dress shoe, even for jobs with a lot of standing. Women are hurt the most by this.

The only good thing is that if you wear those stupid, flat, no support shoes you can really sympathize with the poor declawed kitties who can’t ever walk or stand normally again without pain.

Mar 15, 2012
Not for me
by: Rose

Too many mouths to feed to afford such luxuries.
Now if I won the lotto ……………………

Mar 15, 2012
purrfectly nice (if you can afford them!)
by: leanne

very cute shoes, but i’m not sure they’d be very practical for me. do they do them in wellies?

Mar 15, 2012
Love them but no ……
by: Ruth

I love those shoes but I’d rather spend the money on cat food for real cats in need than buy a pair.
Material goods for show don’t turn me on at all.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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