Kitty Grumbles

Kitty Grumbles

by C. Kennie
(Kingston, Ontario, Canada)

Kitty Grumbles Sightseeing

Kitty Grumbles Sightseeing

My Kitty Grumbles was very well socialized and was devastated when she was adopted by me. She cried for them for 3 weeks. Now she will go up towards people, dogs, cats, and once jumped into the passenger seat of a woman's car. She snuggled up and waited for me to get in also.

This happened when we were out for a walk and the lady stopped to admire her and find out how I trained her to walk on collar and long, light leash. I only had a minimum of training to do as she loves being outside and looking around, climbimg on a tree and eating grass. She also loves to stalk crickets. Her tree climbing is done when she climbs up the trunk and gets on a branch where she can see the world from up there. She can only go as high as I can reach to get her down safely.

Sometimes, for a special treat, I take her out in the dark. Her eyes glow and she gives her soft, happy murrr and trots along in utter happiness. We have been out for some quite long walks.

Kitty Grumbles wants to be with me everywhere that I go, including visits to friends in the building. She is now sitting on a book...softcover of course...directly in front of me and helping me write this.

She would lay on my sore ribs when I hurt them. She was trying to keep them warm for me. She would only lay on the sore ones and once they were better she went back to cuddles near my tummy. She was most upset when I wouldn't let her lick my foot infection better.If I feel sad she is always beside me making me feel happy with her soft tongue "kisses" and silky fur rubs. She is such a sweet kitty. I should have called her "Kitty Rumbles."


Kitty Grumbles to Burmese Cat

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Kitty Grumbles

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Oct 29, 2009
Kitty Grumbles
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Amazing how cats often will know their human's needs - and in many cases they serve as excellent healers.
And of course she missed her old home and her kittens for a while - cats have long memories and feelings too. Main thing is she has bonded so well with you now.

Oct 27, 2009
Correction on prior comment
by: C. Kennie

My Kitty Grumbles was not devastated by being adopted by me. She was devastated by missing her 2 litters of kittens which she had before she was even a year old. She also missed her doggie and probably her breeder.

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