Kitty yellow flags Bahrain World Endurance Championship sports car race

Cat on race track and stops it
Cat on Bahrain sports car racetrack. The race was yellow-flagged.

I have presented this cat story through embedded Twitter tweets (below). Don’t be upset or surprised if both tweets disappear at some time in the future. If so, I apologize. The cat somehow got onto the race track. The race stewards yellow-flagged the race which means the drivers had to slow down until the cat departed. I guess it is an odd example of animal welfare in Bahrain. Or perhaps it is more to do with driver welfare! The cat presents a danger to the drivers.

3 thoughts on “Kitty yellow flags Bahrain World Endurance Championship sports car race”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Oh, it’s so fun when situations like that happen during games or races. I like to record them and rewatch them later.

  3. I think he thought he was crossing a regular road downtown! Just a bit noisier. At least he did not try and cross the road.

  4. The cat did a fast walk off the track. That was weird. Didn’t trot or gallop or run, just a weird extremely fast walk, as if he/she was videoed at a normal pace then they sped up the video. I wonder if the cat thought “How stupid was I just now in front of 50,000 humans?”

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