Paddy, a five-year-old Norwegian Forest Cat living Newmarket, England “steals” objects from neighbours and brings them home. His owner, Paul Terry, said:
“I was most impressed when he brought a lily in a pot home. I have no idea how he did it.”
We know that lily pollen is very toxic to cats. It can kill them. I will have to assume that the lily in a pot that he carted home was not whole and that the flower and pollen were missing from it. Thanks be to God.
Paddy it a beautiful cat. We are all familiar with kleptomaniac cats. They are expressing their desire to hunt in a human world. It is instinctive behavior which does not make sense because the “prey” is inedible. These sorts of cats are called “kleptocats”.
Think again. The whole plant of any “Lilium” species are toxic to cats, and cats only. This is why they are the preferred method of cat-eradication in many parts of the world today. These plants harm no other species. And the juice and even dried plants are 100% toxic to cats. The dried-plants for year-round cat-eradication use is even better as the unknown toxin is concentrated during the drying-process and makes the ground-up plants even more palatable to cats when mixed into a tin of any cat-food. You can even use just the water that a bunch of florist-shop lilies have been standing-in for a day and let a cat drink that — another popular method of ridding everyone’s yards of your vermin cats. You get to enjoy the flowers and get rid of all roaming cats. In fact, it was your article a few years ago first reporting the toxicity of Lilium plants which led to this investigation on the most ecologically safe method of destroying every last one of your free-roaming cats on every continent. And since there are Lilium species that are native to every location on earth, people don’t even have to risk introducing yet another non-native species to eradicate the present invasive-species cats. We have you to thank for leading everyone off on this marvelous discovery! Thanks! It is quickly replacing using acetaminophen to rid everyone’s lives of your vermin cats, being even more species specific than that well-known and well-publicized method. 🙂 (Common (Orange Day Lilies” (Hemerocallis graminea) also work, they are the one exception to the rule that the name “Lilium” needs to be in the scientific name.)
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, consider that cat that dragged a lily-plant home now soon dead if it got even a small amount of plant-juices in its mouth. Ain’t it wunnerful! People are now growing Lilium species in their yards just so your vermin cats can contact the pollen or do what your reported-on cat has done. And the bouncing blossoms in a breeze make them a fun play-toy for your free-roaming vermin cats while they are hiding amongst them awaiting the next bird or small mammal to torture-to-death for their play-toy! 🙂 Enjoy beautiful flowers in your garden and yard and kill all stray cats at the same time! Win win win all around! 🙂